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Table Talk · September 27, 2023

As breeders, many of our proudest moments include wins from the Bred-By Exhibitor Class, wins at the “big” shows like Westminster and the AKC National Championship, nods at the National Specialty, etc.  For some breeders there are other moments of great joy and satisfaction.  Michelle Piercy-Jones of Kingdom Shepherds recently realized this dream first-hand when she placed one of her well-bred puppies with an 11-year-old child in remission from cancer through the Georgia Make-A-Wish foundation. Michelle said, “There will never be a moment to compare to the ultimate win of changing a child’s life.”

Teena Uyeno of Everest Golden Retrievers is aware of that rewarding feeling–both in and out of the show ring. She donates select puppies from her litters to Guide Dogs of America in Sylmar, California, and The Seeing Eye in New Jersey.

A big shout-out to these dedicated, compassionate breeders whose vision and efforts change the lives of others!  THANK YOU!

Recently the Austin Kennel Club provided lunch to the Juniors competing at their shows.  What a great way to give back to the exhibitors and make our Juniors feel welcome!  As club members look for ways to make their Junior Showmanship exhibitors feel appreciated, this is a great way to show them some love!

The Head of Lakes Kennel Club dog show in Superior, Wisconsin that was held on Sunday, September 24th was cancelled due to torrential rain. My heart goes out to the hard-working club members. We all know a show cancellation presents certain challenges.  Fortunately, the judges were able to make alternate travel plans and fly out early, thus resolving what could have been an awkward situation for all.

While on the way to the Prescott, Arizona shows, Lynda O’Connor-Schneider was involved in an accident where her vehicle was hit in the rear.  Fortunately, the damage was minor. I’m glad everyone is okay and made the trip to the show with no other problems!

Jason Hoke is a true travel veteran!  He recently returned from Santo-Domingo in the Dominican Republic where he was judging.  Always a foodie, Jason managed to find some great restaurants and make me very jealous with his dining choices.

Mickey Feigelson and Chuck Leachman recently returned from a fantastic one-month European adventure!  They demonstrated their positive approach when they did not let the fact that their luggage was lost for the first two weeks of their trip ruin their fabulous time!  These guys will never let the opportunity to shop pass them by!

Tiffany Skinner’s “Ride or Die” Assistant Andrew Mueller and his fiancé Vienna Yeadon have just returned from a trip of a lifetime to Italy!  And now, my friends, its back to reality!

It is with great sadness that I pass on the sad news that AKC Judge and Curly Coated Retriever fancier Kathy Cowsert passed away suddenly last week.  In the words of her family, Kathy was the greatest mother, friend, sister, aunt, grandmother and great grandmother. Our sincere condolences are with Kathy’s family and friends at this most difficult time.

Rodney Merry has had a tough year regarding his health. He had to cancel recent assignments in Texas and Arizona.  Rodney is scheduled for heart surgery this week, and one can only hope that this is the final step to a better, healthier life.  Get well soon, Mr. Merry.  The fancy looks forward to having you back in the ring!

Sadly, we received the sad news that West Coast Tibetan Terrier breeder Cassandra Basgall was in a horrible automobile accident and did not survive.  Cassandra was loved and respected by all that had the pleasure of being a part of her life.  She will be truly missed by the fancy.

Our hearts go out to English Springer Spaniel fancier Mary Osbun who lost her sister last week following a tragic accident.  Mary is a hard-working volunteer for the ESSFTA.  Our thoughts are with her at this difficult time.

This past week would have been the 68th birthday of Bob LaRouche who left this earth way too soon.  Terrier fanciers all over the world are remembering Bobby. He was a pillar in the terrier community.  I always enjoyed Bobby’s company and respected him for his incredible talent trimming and showing terriers.

Several fanciers are celebrating wedding anniversaries this week:  Mickey Feigelson and Chuck Leachman, Katie and Adam Bernardin, and Ashley and Brendan Ryan are all about to enjoy another trip around the sun together.  May you all have the best year yet!

It is also a big week for birthdays!  Anthony Cantor, Kristina Rock, Erika Lanasa, Monica Bowers, Julie Mueller, Roberta Lombardi, Sarah Congleton, Andrew Green, Tina Turley-Kocab, Bailee Rodgers, Hadley George, Lenny Brown and Doug Belter are all celebrating their special day.  Make it a great one, my friends.  Do something special with those you love.

Give your heart to dogs, my friends; they will NEVER break it!!!

Wherever your journey takes you, please be careful, and PLEASE be kind!  I’ll see you soon down the road.  If your travels take you to the Doberman National this week, please stop by the Purina Booth for a visit.  Until next time….

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