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Where Have All the Great People Gone?

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92 – October, 2021

By Sandy Weaver

When was the last time you heard or saw something great about the conformation community? Heck, about dog fanciers at all?

There’s a brain-science reason that negativity prevails, not just in dog sports but in all aspects of human interaction – the human brain has a negativity bias. No matter how positive a person’s mindset, their brain is hard-wired to pay attention to negative or potentially negative input. This was a good adaptation for survival in the cave-man days, and doesn’t serve a great purpose anymore, except in extreme emergency situations. The primitive part of the brain, the amygdala, is where the fight-or-flight response is generated and it has about a 1.5 second head-start on the frontal lobe, where executive function, reasoning and logical thought is generated. That means a negative response starts before the frontal lobe can take over and let the “cooler head prevail.”

And you probably know plenty of people who act like they never let the frontal lobe take over!

How refreshing to find positivity, especially in a place known for finger-pointing, name-calling and general misbehavior – Facebook. In a group called Dog Show Forum, Nicole Shaffer posted this:

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92 – October, 2021

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