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Westminster 2021 – Day One

By Amy Fernandez

Yes, the first day of our most unusual Westminster has come and gone. Well, technically that’s day one of conformation judging, the show officially started Friday. So, that’s already pretty weird. All day yesterday I had to keep reminding myself that it’s not a Monday. But all in all, it seems to be a smooth transition for the exhibitors. I pretty much got the same reaction from everyone I spoke to–it’s just like any other outdoor summer show. And in that respect, the general opinion was that it sure beats Manhattan in February and they definitely do not miss the benching.

But there are always things to complain about. Number one was the parking, which was just as nightmarish as everyone recalled from those Westchester shows of the past. Those 67 acres allow for some nice expansive rings. The downside is that parking is a million miles from the show. Westminster solved this with a fleet of golf carts to provide constant shuttle service back and forth.

Probably the other outstanding complaint centered on the COVID protocols that tended to be repetitive and frustrating. I was far from the only person repeatedly required to fill out the same forms because my info somehow kept disappearing from the system. But you cannot fault the club for doing their best to maximize safety.

The major safety precaution was, of course, the ban on spectators. Without the usual Westminster mobs, it truly was like any other summer show. Just like they have done at the Piers, the club set up a series of giant flatscreens outside the rings to provide close-up views of the judging but it really wasn’t necessary since there was no problem finding a spot to see it.

There actually were a few concessions. Westminster merch was flying off the shelf. And Cherrybrook is there along with Take The Lead.

Most people elected to groom out of their vehicles, so just like every other summer show, the parking lot became the social mecca. Of course, RVs and overnight parking were banned, which somewhat curtailed the usual tailgate festivities. Still, after the past year, that aspect of dog show life truly was welcome. In spite of the travel restrictions and the red tape, they still came from all over the country and a few foreign countries. And really, nothing beats Westminster for catching up with long lost friends.

And it seems that after last year, Mother Nature understood that we need some good fortune coming our way. After weeks of torrential rain, sweltering heat, and frigid cold snaps, the weekend weather has been glorious.

The judging so far has been fairly predictable but Westminster upsets are part of the story. And the show’s not over yet.

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