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The Junior’s Perspective – Social Media: Write or Wrong?

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176 – February, 2024

By Jessica Braatz

Sportsmen commit themselves to values of fair play, honesty, courtesy, and vigorous competition, as well as winning and losing with grace – AKC’s Code of Sportsmanship.

For the past few weeks, I’ve been reflecting–and stewing–over some actions that took place on social media during the AKC National Championship. Most of Facebook was filled with friends reuniting, winning pictures, and genuinely positive commentary about the show as a whole. There were two posts, though, that caught my eye. These two were directly related to junior showmanship, and they certainly were not positive.

Unlike these posts, I will not be making pointed, identifying remarks regarding those involved. Instead, I’d like to plead to the fancy to consider what we post and whom it affects. I’m not asking you to censor yourself–controversy ignites discussion and is necessary to move forward in our sport. I am asking you to be compassionate and ethical, to not get caught up in emotion as you press the post button, and to consider the long-term effects of your actions. Are we welcoming the next generation if we are willing to blast them on the internet? Is it okay to write a post that directly targets individuals?

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176 – February, 2024

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