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The Great Ones – Ch. Nunsoe Duc de la Terrace of Blakeen

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150 – April, 2022

By Kerrin Winter-Churchill

Neither Aristotle nor a circus clown have anything on the Poodle. Gay, lively creatures, Poodles will lift your spirits and gladly solve any computer crisis if only given the opportunity and a set of opposing thumbs. But their most endearing gift is the love and admiration they bestow on those lucky enough to share their lives with such marvelous members of the canine race. So adored are they by the people who know them well that everyone who is about to step beyond the line marked “Poodles” is given fair warning, “Give your heart to a Poodle and you’ll never get it back.”

This is the story of a big white Poodle with a presence as vast as the Swiss Alps from whence he came. With a shake of his mane and a toss of his head, he captured dogdom’s biggest prize as he stepped lively into the hearts of a thousand fans who found themselves suddenly worshipping at the feet of Ch. Nunsoe Duc de La Terrace of Blakeen, also known as “The Duke.”

Once upon a time in America, barely a person walking the streets had ever laid eyes on a Poodle. Although the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1887, Poodles had long fallen from fashion and only a handful of folks kept their fires burning. In the early 1920s, those fires began to smolder and finally, when the Great Depression rocked the nation’s economy, the winds of discontent blew over those coals, igniting the passions of a small group of very privileged men and women who quietly turned to the pursuit of purebred dogs to relieve their minds of troubles in the world below.

The Small Circle

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150 – April, 2022

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