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The Do-It-All Dog – The History of the German Shepherd

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194 – February, 2021

By Lee Connor

During the recent enforced lockdown–with shops, malls and attractions out of bounds–I suppose a lot of us spent the time cleaning and tidying up our homes and gardens. Well, that was my firm intention when I climbed up into our untidy loft space; however, I soon got distracted by heaps of dusty books and old photo albums.

And it was whilst flicking through one of those old photo albums that I came across a pedigree, neatly tucked away with photos of childhood holidays in the 1970s.

The pedigree belonged to Kim, our much-loved German Shepherd bitch, a dog that watched protectively over us kids, from birth until we were in our early teens.

As I mentioned in my earlier piece on Rottweilers, my family absolutely loved German dogs and Kim was my parents’ very first dog acquired soon after their marriage, she was quickly joined by a male Miniature-longhaired Dachshund, who, never quite got the hang of the whole ‘housetraining’ business and was prophetically named ‘Rusty’!

Kim was bought as a guard. At that time my mother and father lived in quite a rough part of London, where burglaries and muggings were commonplace.

Their first home was in a long terrace of houses and nearly each and every one of them experienced a break-in. Ours, so effectively guarded by Kim, never suffered such an indignity.

Whilst other mothers (worried about being attacked) had to avoid and walk around the large neighbourhood park, my mother, with Kim proudly positioned in front of the pram, could walk straight through it at any hour of the day!

She was a truly amazing dog and, of course, the German Shepherd is a truly incredible breed.

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194 – February, 2021

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