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The Big E – Exploring the Possibilities

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158 – September, 2022

By Elaine Lessig

As part of my undergraduate requirements, I took a class in the theory of philosophy. The professor, a very intense academic, had several key sayings which he used in class with great frequency. If his purpose was to drill them in our subconscious, he was quite successful­–at least, with me. There was one in particular which stays with me still. I recall it with great frequency: “If you do what you always do, you will get what you always got.” Think about it. I expect that was his intention, too. Think!

The larger consideration, in somewhat philosophical terms, is (this gets a bit heavy) does this allow us to be free to make different choices or free us to stay in our comfort zones? To simplify, the theory here is an example to make it clearer: should I try the coconut ice cream or stay with mint chip which is my go-to flavor. If this sounds a bit like which comes first, the chicken or the egg, you too must have taken a philosophy class at some time.

What is at the core of this point of philosophy in our daily lives? It’s all about making choices–good ones, bad ones, silly ones, serious ones. Every choice has a risk quotient attached to the decision. As an example, there are three four-day clusters within a radius of two-hundred-twenty-five miles from your home. It’s August. You are showing Leonbergers. One is in an air-conditioned building with a decent panel. Another has a better panel, but is entirely outdoors without much shade. The third is a big show with lots of competition, draws majors, the breed judges you really favor are not judging the group on the same day as the breed. There are positives and negatives with each option. All have risks and the consequences which accompany them.

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158 – September, 2022

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