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The Big E – Eventually

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208 – April, 2021

By Elaine Lessig

Who can forget being a kid sitting in the backseat of the family vehicle–heading to a vacation, special event, or holiday celebra-tion–when the trip seemed interminable? Remember the words that came from your mouth with a pout? “Are we there yet?” was the usual whine every parent heard at some time during our childhood travels. We were simply too eager for the journey to be over and to get on with the good stuff ahead. It didn’t matter that there were coloring books, cards, electronic games, and lots of snacks. Even the reassurance that we were getting close now was not comforting. Eventually, enough was enough.

Let’s fast-forward to my early teenage years. Then it was all about being allowed to wear lipstick, stockings (imagine that!), and dress shoes with a small heel. The days could not come as quickly as I wished they would. Then, wonder of wonders, I was given the okay to shave my legs! Paradise was nearly mine, but there were also things that were verboten. I won’t bore you with the lengthy list. Let me share that the sins of my older sister were NEVER allowed to be repeated by me, according to my parents. Goody Two Shoes here towed the line longer than I had ever anticipated. Eventually, enough was enough.

Throughout my adult years, laws have been obeyed; taxes were paid on time; and the rules followed. I kept a clean house, prepared meals, and volunteered my time to charitable and civic organizations. I raised our son, wrote textbooks for two publishers, shopped, and enjoyed time with family and friends. Then, when the time was fast approaching for our son to go off to college, our beloved fourteen year-old, all American dog departed this good earth. When the grieving over both events was over (nurturing doesn’t stop when the nest empties), it was time to seek a new companion. Eventually, enough was enough.

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208 – April, 2021

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