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The Big E – Endless Riches

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194 – March, 2024

By Elaine Lessig

A life in dogs is full of riches. No, not monetary ones, but those of journeys, highs, lows, triumphs, and tragedies we all face along the way. To be fair, while the countless interactions we have with our dogs are of primary importance, it is the people along the way we meet who make a difference. I remember sleeping on an air mattress at the home of a specialty club’s show chair during my very early years of judging–just to save costs. That became the start of a longtime friendship. Just recently, I was judging in a foreign country. The show chair and most of the panel spoke no English, except for one judge. Without asking, he began translating to keep me engaged with the others. By the time we left, new friends were made. I actually acquired enough words to speak a bit of their language, too.

Dogdom has two components–dogs and people. However, quickly we come to understand one requires the other. We are not viable alone. We are dependant. Together we share our world. Dogs attract us to the sport. People provide the environment where our affinity for canines can exist in its unique space. Thus, dog shows become our venue to meet each other and the dogs we love. The point of this missive is simple: dogs unite us.

How many of your current friends have you met at dog shows? My guess is most of them. Where are we most weekends? What dominates our conversations? Dog shows. Dog friends can be near or far. They are the members of your local dog club, some who you met at nationals, and more from other countries where you have shown your dogs. Can we agree that if you are seriously in exhibiting or judging dogs, it involves a great deal of your life and you meet many amazing people along the way?

Let me share a story of friends of mine in England who I met years and years ago. It is one of compassion and devotion that is remarkable to recount. It reflects everything about the bonds we share with our dogs and the people we meet along the way. I will recount extraordinary acts of kindness and determination from these friends. It is a testimony of the good that we can do for one another in this special place we share.

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194 – March, 2024

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