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Stop Burning Your Entry Fees

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224 – August, 2024

By Sandy Weaver

Have you ever decided to train your dog in the ring? Did you get upset when your dog didn’t win, even though your dog was the better dog?

Here are two questions for you: Could the judge see the quality of your dog? Was that a fair thing to do to your dog?

Sometimes you have to take an untrained dog in the ring. Maybe the dog is lead trained and relatively good in strange surroundings, and you don’t have training classes nearby, so you decide to enter a weekend of shows. Sometimes you get a dog you are charged with showing, are told by the owners that the dog knows the ropes and will behave, and it’s a ringside pickup. Sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know, so you enter a show.

And in the ring, you see that maybe it was a bad idea.

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224 – August, 2024

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  • September 2024