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Remember When…

Remember When… Sometimes we forget that our favorite judges actually showed dogs just like the rest of us before they took their spot in the center of the ring. Can you identify the handlers in these photos who are now AKC judges?


Photo A) Handler Carol Spritzer · Judge Mr. Jon Cole

Photo B) Handler Peggy Reed · Judge Mr. Bob Sharp and the trophy presenter is another judge Dr. John Ioia.

Thank you Mr. Kenneth McDermott for sharing with us the Trophy Presenters name.

Photo C) Handler Joan Anselm with Klaus Anselm standing beside her


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Posted by on Mar 20 2020. Filed under Current Articles, Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

3 Comments for “Remember When…”

  1. Emailed from Judy Dunn – A) Carol Spritzer looks 16 years old, with everyones favorite judge Jon Cole – I remember this show from Kokomo Kennel Club in 1985 what a great show in the Spring. One more thing – Jon what is up with your hair? :)

    Photo B) I think its Peggy Reed and I know the judge I just can’t think of his name. Im sure it will come to me in about an hour.

    Photo C) Im not sure

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