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Progressive’s Triumphant Return To Its Roots

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286 – March, 2025

By Amy Fernandez

Tradition is a hackneyed argument in many cases, but when it comes to dog shows, we need our predictable comfort zone. And okay, February in NYC is not exactly comfortable, but the important thing is we know the drill.

Mickey Feigelson, this week’s final word in sartorial splendor, officiated at Progressive Dog Club’s 99th and 100th shows this weekend, making history and marking its return to its traditional place on the Westminster dance card.

On Friday, he judged Russian Toys, Pugs, Havanese, Maltese, and Yorkies, as well as the NOHS group. His Saturday assignment included Toy Manchesters, Min Pins, Cresteds, Cavaliers, Toy Poodles, Pekes, and Poms. He came into this assignment with a clear perspective of what was on the line. He’s been in the trenches of this sport. “I’ve been doing this longer than I care to remember. I started in 1981, and our main breed was Yorkshire Terriers. We traveled the country and did quite well, breeding some big winners, and we had the top Yorkie for several years. Later, we started showing and breeding Papillons–and later Shih Tzu. So, I stayed with hair. I always came to Progressive because it was held in conjunction with the Yorkshire Terrier Club of America National and the Greater New York specialty.”

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286 – March, 2025

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  • March 2025