Poodles, Pearls, and Pizzazz: Karen LeFrak
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130 – October, 2022
By Sarah Montague
Karen LeFrak is sometimes described, vapidly, as a “socialite,” sometimes, more accurately, as a “philanthropist,” but the term best suited to this talented musician, author—and once again–campaigner of champion Standard Poodles, is “lady.” Google was no help in retrieving the definition I learned as a child—”a woman who could speak to the highest in the land and the lowest in the land and still remain herself.” But when I call on her at her striking black-and-white themed home off Central Park, this is the quality I remember: graciousness coupled with a radiant enthusiasm.
LeFrak is elfin, a striking flaxen blonde, like Tinkerbell in Peter Pan. Not the sulky, petulant part, but the part where a tiny being glows more intensely than anything around her.
She would probably disagree, not only because she’s modest, but because for her there is one clear source of the glow–Ch. Ale Kai Mikimoto on Fifth—and all that descended from him. But before we even get to Miki, there has to be a house tour.
Because nestled at the top of this Petit Trianon-like home is an informal dog museum and shrine. The first thing that catches the eye is what LeFrak refers to as Miki’s Wall of Fame—an entire surface over a curvy white sofa devoted to Mikimoto’s career from puppyhood through retirement: “Miki competed in three different show trims: first in full puppy trim; and then in an English Saddle and then in the Continental [the one with the puffs].” And there are great shots in all of these modes.
If the Continental signals a Poodle’s entry into high-level competition, there’s a ritual for leaving as well—the return to a flattering but unaccented puppy clip.
As with people, retirement looks a little like childhood. LeFrak gestures towards another part of the wall, pointing to a proud pose in a sylvan setting: “This is when we cut him down and we brought him home and Lisa Croft-Elliott came to Central Park with me and we took pictures, welcoming him home.”
Short URL: https://caninechronicle.com/?p=247506
Posted by AnthonyA
on Oct 13 2022. Filed under Current Articles, Featured.
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