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On The Cover

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12 – August, 2021

It is our pleasure to present GCHS Kan Trace Very Cheeky Chic, a multiple US BIS and BISS winner, affectionately known as “Orca.” Bred and raised in Croatia by Sabina Zdunic Šinkovic of the Kan Trace Kennel, Orca has exceeded all expectations.

Her illustrious show career began at the tender age of four months by winning an All Breed BIS Puppy and followed with a total of 22 Junior and Puppy Best in Shows throughout Europe. She continued to take the show ring by storm as she won her first All Breed BIS as just twelve months of age. She extended her win record by garnering 6 All Breed BIS, 5 BIS placements and 2 Supreme Best In Shows. Her crowning event was being the Supreme Best in Show at the Winter Classic Cluster in Europe under renowned gundog authority Mr. Frank Kane of the UK. In February 2020, Orca once again made history by winning the Gundog Group 2 at Crufts. Orca was professionally handled to these spectatular wins by Ante Lufin & Javier Gonzales Mendikota.

Orca arrived in the United States in July 2020 and began her full-time campaign with professional handlers Phil and Amy Booth. In the first six months, under their capable guidance, Orca won 3 All Breed BIS and a Sporting Group 1 at the AKC National Dog Show. Her 2021 run has proven to be equally as exciting as she is #1 Lagotto Romagnolo*, #1 Sporting Dog* and #2 Dog Amongst All Breeds* in the US. This has made Orca the top winning Lagotto Romagnolo in both the breed and AKC history.

We would like to thank everyone who has made this treasured journey truly extraordinary!

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12 – August, 2021

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