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Farewell To An Icon – Wendell Sammet

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242 – The Annual, 2023-24

By Lisa Dubé Forman

We bid a fond adieu to Mr. Wendell Sammet at 98. I write this homage with the most tremendous respect. Over the years, many articles have been written about Wendell as he was a famous subject, well-admired as an icon who walked amongst us. Indeed, he was a virtuoso of canine husbandry with a genuine regalness that went hand in hand with his indelible career.

Wendell was one of our sport’s last former greats from a long-gone era of esteemed dog authorities. The dog show world that Wendell joined in the latter part of 1946 was a celebration of the superb achievements of a privileged few. The sport was filled with fabulously wealthy patrons, many having genuine knowledge of canine husbandry who nurtured artistic values and principles. Our sport once was an uncommon privilege, a benefit enjoyed by certain persons beyond the advantages of most with remembrances of the grand shows of yesteryear–such as the original Morris & Essex Kennel Club and the nostalgia of a very different Westminster Kennel Club annual spectacular.

It was nearly eight decades ago when Wendell began his dog show career. History has shown that the sport’s illustrious and premier breeders bred to the highest standards of perfection. They strove towards higher planes of achievement via their continuous and painstaking endeavors in their breeding programs. So, too, Wendell went on to become one of our historical, famed breeders, brandishing his accomplishments in the show ring. Wendell earned every accolade.

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242 – The Annual, 2023-24

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