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Did You Know – Your Hands Say It All!

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122 – July, 2024

By Michael Canalizo

Let me tell you there are days when I wish Facebook would “Blow Up and Die”, but then there are fleeting moments of brilliance that crop up and grab my attention.

A recent post about a judges exam technique got many comments, and many of those comments were not cast in a positive light toward the judges. Obviously, the ability to properly provide a “Breed Specific” exam is important. For me there are different levels of how this is conveyed to those observing. When I wore an AKC Rep hat, I wanted a newer judge to show me he was “seeing” some of the finer details of a breed. Ear placement on a breed, “ringed” or “crocheted” tails present, tuck-up under a coated Sighthound, etc. Showing you can identify a breed’s unique features will be noticed (and impressed) by those with a background in the breed. All that’s fine BUT how you expose those subtle things is key.

Every breed couples identifiable breed details with those ubiquitous features that define a breed–equally. How one balances both components can have a disconnect. One of the “comments” I read was about a judge who might not have had a comfortable way of approaching a non-coated Toy breed. One hopes a judge knows by the time they reach “approved” status, and understands how to approach a delicate toy breed (a breed that unfortunately is usually given an 8 AM ring time due to it having a “no grooming” requirement.) Hey…let’s be fair…if you come from Labs, you wouldn’t be thrilled if a judge never touched a tail, felt muscle or checked for a resilient coat, would you? But you should also understand that a fragile Toy breed isn’t suited to a firm hand on them, especially when most all physical details are in plain sight.

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122 – July, 2024

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