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Dead As A Dodo

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186 – February, 2023

By Lee Connor

We live in a time when most of us appreciate the value placed on conservation.

People ‘putting their heads together’ have successfully managed to turn the tide on so many species thankfully bringing them back from the precipice of extinction.

Extinction: the very word seems so cold, so final and that, of course, is exactly what it is–final.

From a young age, I have been somewhat obsessed by extinct creatures, thumbing through dusty books and gazing at the black-and-white photographs of the last known individuals of various unfortunate species, like Martha the last Passenger Pigeon or Benjamin, the last Thylacine.

The photographs are always poignant and so thought provoking.

They provide a tangible link to beautiful animals that are now lost forever yet they deliver a stark warning from the past…for the future. How we must urgently act to prevent history (as it so often does) repeating itself.

And of course, when we think of extinction, we tend to think of iconic creatures such as the Dodo, the Carolina Parakeet, or the Quagga. We don’t often think of domesticated animals befalling the same ignominious fate. However, history is filled with dreadful tales of breeds of pig, cattle, sheep and chickens all ending up equally as ‘dead as a Dodo’.

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186 – February, 2023

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