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Closet Confidential – The Star Of Bethlehem Cluster

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226 – February, 2024

By Elaine Lessig

The end of the dog show calendar for 2023, like it always does, features a treasure, The Star of Bethlehem Cluster. This gem is known to many of its loyal fans as the BEST cluster of the year. It features a great show facility that is easy to reach from good highways and small and large airports. Ask the exhibitors and judges who arrive at the Lehigh Valley Airport. It’s 15 minutes from the venue, The Agri Plex at the Allentown Fairgrounds. On the very same site is The Allentown Farmers Market that features a neverending array of culinary delights. Everyone flocks into the market each day to eat there or bring food to the show. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, desserts, and pretzels are avail-able–among so much more. Name it and you can probably find it and eat it.

The grooming areas are decorated for the Christmas season at many of the setups. Holiday parties abound. The music of the season fills the building for all to enjoy. Gift exchanges, small gatherings, and lots of laughter are in evidence. All of this goes on as the serious decisions of the panel of well-respected, knowledgeable judges continues.

Both kennel clubs make everyone most welcome. There are raffles galore, free parking, grooming, and interesting vendors. This year a wine merchant offered a wide variety of his products at the show. Guess who was busy? I walk all around the building some days with a cookie tray filled to the top with decorated Italian Christmas cookies to share and express appreciation for all in attendance. It’s quite fun.

While I walk around, my eyes are constantly scanning for fashion standouts to share with you. Fortunately, the holiday spirit was evident over the 5 days. See if you agree!

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226 – February, 2024

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