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Breed Priorities – Glen Of Imaal Terrier

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274 – August, 2024

By Nikki Riggsbee

TheGlen of Imaal Terrier is one of four Irish terrier breeds recognized by AKC and was named for his place of origin in County Wicklow, Ireland. The breed began in the later 16th century when soldiers settled in the area after putting down a rebellion. They crossed their own low-slung hounds with local terriers, eventually resulting in this breed.

Glens were used for vermin control and were big enough to go after bigger prey, such as fox, badger, and otter, as well as rats. They served as all-around farm dogs, as well. Legend has it that they also functioned as “turnspit” dogs, running a paddle wheel that turned meat over fires for cooking.

Part of the Glen’s breed type includes their “antique features,” such as turned out feet, bowed legs, and a rising topline, characteristics that were bred out of other breeds. They are heavier than most dogs of their size, and work prey without barking, making them quieter than some other breeds.

Glens nearly died out until revived in the early twentieth century. It is still considered a vulnerable native breed by the UK Kennel Club. Glens were recognized by the Irish Kennel Club in 1934, by AKC in 2004, and the Canadian Kennel Club in 2017. Glens rank 170th out of 200 breeds in AKC’s 2023 registration statistics.

We invited twenty-three Glen of Imaal Terrier experts to take a survey on their priorities on this breed. Seventeen initially agreed to participate. Thirteen surveys were returned, although one did not rank the lists portion of the exercise. Those who contributed have been in the breed nearly twenty-six years on average.

Glen of Imaal Terrier Virtues

The experts were asked to prioritize a list of characteristics taken from the AKC Glen of Imaal Terrier breed standard. The list below is in sequence by the average of the experts’ ranks, with 1 being the most important.

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274 – August, 2024

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