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Arvindology – Methodical Consistency

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336 – The Annual, 2022-23

By Arvind deBraganca

Methodical Consistency is a term I have coined for the express purpose of explaining what happens when one applies all the practical rules of breeding while focusing on purposeful function. It defines a chosen path using proven methods to produce a consistent product. This is simplicity at its finest, but is this so simple? I pose this question because if one reads the material and processes it properly, it will seem much easier in theory than in actual practice. Why is this so? When you take science and mix it with luck and prayer, all you can hope for is magic. With methodical consistency we can isolate the variances and guide the results.


Adj: done according to a systematic or established form of procedure


Noun: 1. Conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness.

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336 – The Annual, 2022-23

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