The Pekingese – Key Points To Remember

Have you ever sat outside a ring and watched an unfamiliar breed? Have you looked at the outline or the coat and wondered what is correct for that breed?
Have you ever sat outside a ring and watched an unfamiliar breed? Have you looked at the outline or the coat and wondered what is correct for that breed?
The Kennel Club of Palm Springs is celebrating their largest entry in 13 years!
Let’s Play “Caption This”! Send us your silly photos from the AKC National Championship & join in the fun
I’ll dispense with any explanations or excuses about gifts for dogs. That weird human habit devolved into a mainstream custom long ago. At this point, it ranks among predictable consumer expenditures long before Black Friday rolls around. That leaves us with the bigger question of what do you get for the dog who has everything. Before you start fretting about the perfect gift for that unconscious canine snoozing on your sofa, I need to tell you about Gunther.
Click here to read the complete article 286 – December, 2021 By Sarah Montague The fancy lost two strong women last year: Iris Love and Sue Jeffries. They inhabited different spheres, but both contributed hugely to the fancy and its extended communities. They are remembered as inspiring mentors and teachers, and as generous and beloved [...]
For so many of our pedigree breeds, their histories often consist of a mixture of tall tales, myth and legend. It’s up to those interested in the pedigree dog to separate fact from fiction – a task that’s not always easy!
Willamette Valley English Springer Spaniel Association Thursday, December 9, 2021 Judge: Mr. Joe Walton Best In Specialty – GCH. Cascadian’s My Way Breeder: Carol Jansen & Jan Rafferty Owner: Carol Jansen Handler: Kim Bullard
Have you ever sat outside a ring and watched an unfamiliar breed? Have you looked at the outline or the coat and wondered what is correct for the breed? Or while judging, have you felt like you needed a quick reference? This week we bring you The Nederlandse Kooikerhondje Snap Shot provided to us by The Nederlandse Kooikerhondje [...]
Show Name: Imperial Valley Kennel Club Location: Yuma, AZ Show Date: Monday, December 6, 2021 Total Entry: 751 Best In Show Judge: Mrs. Barbara Pepper Show Photographer(s): Bettina Bienefeld • Phone: (509) 548 – 4499 Ken O’Brien • Website: Dog Reg: GCHP Empees Cyber Monday [Dog] Breed: Pomeranian Handler: Stephanie Hentschel Owner: M Panlilio [...]
Show Name: Conroe Kennel Club Location: Conroe, TX Show Date: Monday, December 6, 2021 Total Entry: 988 Best In Show Judge: Ms. Gloria Kerr Show Photographer(s): Ellen & Pete Melia • Website: Dog Reg: GCH Ringo Star OT Nevskogo Hobbita [Dog] Breed: English Toy Spaniel Bl & PC Handler: Christopher Keith Owner: Patti & [...]