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Table Talk · September 13, 2023

The American Kennel Club sent out a survey to some fanciers recently. I’m not certain how they compiled their survey pool, but some who received the survey said they are concerned that the AKC will recognize “designer dogs” or mutts, as many of us call them, in the not too distant future.

One of the questions reads: What type of dog is your newest dog? With the multiple choice answers being: Single Breed, Mixed Breed or Designer or Hybrid (i.e. Doodle). Really? I must ask what is the difference between a ‘Designer or Hybrid’ and a ‘Mixed Breed’? Do the answers imply AKC’s acceptance of “designer breeds”? Giving designer breeds their own identity when calling them ‘mixed breeds’ is an option, is cause for concern in my opinion! The AKC has the ILP program for mixed breeds which allows them to compete in AKC performance events. Wouldn’t Doodles and other designer mutts fall into this category?

Don’t get me wrong, I am completely supportive of those who want to adopt a dog from a shelter (and I believe we are seeing more and more doodles, etc. in shelters), be it a mixed breed or a purebred dog. I am also supportive of those dogs being allowed to compete in performance events.

I truly hope that I am misunderstanding AKC’s intentions. There was probably a better way to word the survey so as not to unnecessarily alarm breeders, owners, and exhibitors of purebred dogs.

There was a post on social media recently that, in my opinion, was motivational. The post read:

I just want to tell all of the future junior handlers out there who have no money and don’t come from a dog background, who have no idea what to do to achieve their goals and are practicing showing conformation with a 6-year-old, mixed-breed, shelter dog with a raggedy leash and a flat collar, unsure if they are stacking the dog correctly or not but have plans on handling at Westminster one day… Do not under any circumstances stop trying.

The post was shared by many, including a successful handler who wrote the following when sharing the post:

I started with a 17-year-old toothless and deaf Pomeranian. Jo Simpson took pity on me and handed me a Chesapeake Bay Retriever to show. He went on to pee on me and pull me down. I was in heaven. The kid with training wheels thought he was driving a Ferrari. Thank heavens when I watched the dog show on TV I just continually ran up and down the hallway with an empty leash, no dog could have run that much!!!

The experience validated the sentiment. The AKC RHP also shared the post, and some took issue with it as being insulting, not motivating. What are your thoughts? Please email me at I’d love to hear from you!

There has been some confusion about the Bred-By Exhibitor Puppy class and whether or not the winner of the class would be eligible to compete for Best Puppy and/or Best Bred-By at Specialties. Winners of the Bred-By Puppy class are, in fact, eligible to compete both in the Best Puppy and the Best Bred-By competitions.

Someone recently raised a concern about married couples serving on a panel. The concern basically was that both would most likely have the same opinion if they bred dogs together because they liked the same thing. Some time ago, I interviewed a married couple who frequently judge on the same panel. They also have a successful breeding program. When judging, these two individuals do not always agree! I have seen this with other married judging couples as well. I would encourage fanciers not to write off one spouse or the other. Either observe their judging before you write them off, or bring them each the same dog and you will learn first-hand what they like and dislike in that breed.

Congratulations to Nina Fetter and Ron Galarneau who tied the knot in Las Vegas this past week. May the two of you enjoy continued happiness and love! All the best to you both!

There are several anniversaries to celebrate this week: Karen and Sam Mammano, Becky and Jeff Arch, Antoinelle and Frank Vulpis, Sulie Greendale-Paveza and Greg Paveza and Patrina Walters Odette and Bruce Odette! Here’s to many more happy, healthy, successful years ahead for you lovebirds.

Fanciers celebrating birthdays this week include: Eric Glofka, Diane Baker, KayCee Klang, Elliott Wentzel, Pam Beale, Corinna Ohrnberger, Susan St. John Brown, Richard Lawless, Holley Eldred, Tyler Mills, Bill Ellis, Michael Shepherd, Grahm Swayze, Vickie Mauk, Robert Scott, Annmarie Ruggieri and Sandi Olsen. May your next trip around the sun bring you great joy and happiness.

My thought this week: Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love, faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made! – Roger A. Caras

Be safe in your journey, my friends. I will see you soon down the road. Until next time…

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Posted by on Sep 13 2023. Filed under Current Articles, Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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