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The Big E – Emmulating Goldilocks

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160 – September, 2023

By Elaine Lessig

Over the past week, the farmer who tends the fields on the property where we are currently living has been harvesting the hay. It is quite a process. To begin, the fields were mowed down one after another. Then the grass was assembled row by row down the length of each of these fenced areas. After a few days, the farmer returned with his HUGE tractor to spread the grass over the entire area. At each step, the farmer made the effort to get the grass in exactly the place he needed for the process to be effective. If anything got in the way of the tractor, he promptly stopped, got down, and fixed the problem. Once he was satisfied, he climbed up on the tractor once again to finish the job.

It was obvious by all his maneuvers, his aim was to do his job and to do it right. It simply needed to work. Staying on task, doing it with ease, and looking comfortable, he demonstrated that he had developed a “Goldilocks” sweet spot for his task. What is a “Goldilocks” sweet spot? There is an English fairy tale about a Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear who live together in a cottage. Over time, the cottage is visited on several occasions–when the bears are away–by a little girl called, (you guessed it!) “Goldilocks”. Each time she entered the house, she tried to sit in their chairs, taste their porridge, and sleep in their beds. Of course the chairs, bowls, and beds were different sizes to accommodate each of the members of the bear family.

The fairy tale recounts how “Goldilocks” tried Papa Bear’s, Mama Bear’s, and Baby Bear’s chairs until she found the one that was “just right” for her to sit upon. She did the same with each bowl, and finally with each of their beds until she selected one especially for her. The story continues with the bear family returning one day to discover her in a bed, sound asleep.

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160 – September, 2023


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