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Understanding the Dynamics of Coat Color Genetics

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118 – November, 2021

By William Given

The primary purpose of studying genetics is to understand the inheritance of any given trait or characteristic, so that one may plan breedings intelligently and, through the application of the principals learned, eliminate certain faults. These principals, once understood, may be applied to specific traits and characteristics to the benefit of your breed in general and your line in particular.

We all, of course, breed for quality (correct construction, proper movement, impeccable temperament, etc.), but by understanding the genetics of coat color, we can also breed for the colors and patterns we find aesthetically pleasing and desire. Color is often clearly defined and usually follows Mendelian laws, thereby making these laws easier to understand.

The genetics of coat color in dogs has been studied by breeders for many years. In many breeds, a relatively narrow range of color is permitted within the standard. In a few breeds, all dogs have the same basic color or similar pattern. While in others, certain colors are considered a disqualification. This is because either they are believed to suggest crossbreeding or the color is associated with detrimental effects.

In color genetics we have learned of simple pairs of genes and how they are expressed. Also, we have looked at some polygenetic expressions of genes, where several pairs of genes affect not only the expression of one another, but also of other pairs of genes on the same and even other chromosomes. This polygenetic activity gives a wider variation of expression of the qualities in question.

So simple, sort of…

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118 – November, 2021


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