Remembering Victor Malzoni Jr.
Everyone involved in the sport of purebred dogs around the world is mourning the sudden passing of Victor Malzoni Jr. today.
Victor will be remembered as a true gentleman with a kind demeanor who was nice to everyone. He not only loved showing dogs, but he also loved all dogs. His eye for a dog was unquestioned and proven through his ownership of many top dogs around the world. His Hampton Court Kennels had Best In Show and group winners at Westminster, Crufts and the AKC National Championship.
Victor’s love of dogs is known far and wide, and he adored the Cairn Terrier. Victor’s passion for the Wire Fox Terrier began in 1992, but it wasn’t limited to that breed either.
He owned the German Wirehaired Pointer Brazilian/American GCH Mt. View’s Ripsnorter’s Silver Charm. Oakley was piloted by Phil Booth to a Sporting Group First at Westminster in 2013 and was the #1 Dog All Breeds in 2012. He won 102 Best In Shows. He won BISS at the German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America National Specialty three times.
He was the co-owner of Sky, GCH Afterall Painting The Sky, the 2014 Westminster winner shown by Gabriel Rangel. Sky was the #1 dog in the U.S. in 2013 and won 128 Bests in Show. She also won Best in Show at the 2013 Montgomery County Kennel Club show. In 2012, she won Bests in Show at the AKC National Championship and the National Dog Show.
Mr. Malzoni co-owned the top winning Skye Terrier of all time, GCH Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie. Charlie was handled by Larry Cornelius to Terrier Group Firsts at Westminster in 2015 and 2016 and Reserve Best in Show in 2015. He also won Best in Show at the 2014 AKC National Championship. Charlie was the #1 Terrier in 2014 and 2015.
Malzoni’s famous Wire Fox Terrier, King, aka ENG/EUR/AM Multi-BIS/Multi-BISS GCH King Arthur van Foliny Home, won BIS at the 2019 Westminster Kennel club. He was shown by Gabriel Rangel who won his 3rd BIS at WKC with King that year. Rangel also showed King to the title of #1 Terrier in 2018.
Victor also owned and campaigned the top winning Lagotto Romagnolo in breed history, GCHS Kan Trace Very Cheeky Chic, aka Orca. Orca was conditioned and presented by Phil Booth, and she was the #1 Sporting Dog and #2 Dog All Breeds in 2021.
Livia and Max Krainer were the kennel managers of Mr. Malzoni’s Hampton Court Kennels in Brazil and were a big part of his dog family. They were an integral part of his successful team.
Everyone who knew Victor adored him and he will be missed by all. Our condolences to his wife, Susan, his family, and all of his close friend at this difficult time.
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