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Home » Editorial You are browsing entries filed in “Editorial”

Help Stop the New Dog Importation Regulations Before It’s Too Late!


On May 13, the CDC published new federal dog importation regulations that go into effect August 1st.

June 20th, 2024 | Posted in Current Articles,Editorial,Featured | Read More »

Space Coast Kennel Club Of Palm Bay – Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Cherokee Legend Encore

Show Name: Space Coast Kennel Club Of Palm Bay Location: Orlando, FL Show Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2023 Total Entry: 4640 Best In Show Judge: Mr. Edmund Dzuik Show Photographer(s): Winners Pix – Tammie Wilkerson • Website: www.winnerspix.com Robert Skibinski • Website: www.skibinskiphoto.com Bryan McNabb • Website: www.mcnabbphotos.com David Sombach • Website: davidsombachphotos.com Dog Reg: GCHS Cherokee [...]

December 12th, 2023 | Posted in All Breed Show Results,Editorial | Read More »

A Costume Does NOT Make the Collie (Man)!

Costume Collie Man

That was my first thought when I checked out Toco, the Japanese media sensation who reportedly has spent $14,000 to satisfy his lifelong dream of transforming himself into a Collie. His journey from human to Collie has already garnered an enormous social media fan club–32,000 YouTube subscribers according to a recent NY Post story. By way of explanation he said, “Do you remember your dreams from when you are little? You want to be a hero or a wizard…” Yeah well, I wanted to be a mermaid and I’m still waiting for that one.

August 17th, 2023 | Posted in Current Articles,Editorial,Featured | Read More »

Breed Priorities – Yorkshire Terrier

F BP Yorkshire Terr

The Yorkshire Terrier is the most popular toy breed in the United States based on AKC registration statistics for 2021, ranking thirteenth among two hundred recognized breeds. It was one of the first toy breeds (with the Pug) to be recognized by AKC, in 1885.

September 23rd, 2022 | Posted in Current Articles,Editorial,Featured | Read More »

The Working Class Toy – The Yorkshire Terrier

F Working Class Toy

So often, when writing these pedigree dog histories, I can trace a breed’s origins back to the landed gentry or as pampered royal companions; however, this tiny toy dog has never been featured in the paintings of the Great Masters. He has never been the plaything of kings or (like so many other breeds) as far as I can tell, never been owned by Queen Victoria. His mummified remains have never been recovered from Egyptian tombs and his distinctive image is noticeably absent from Hieroglyphics.

September 22nd, 2022 | Posted in Current Articles,Editorial,Featured | Read More »

The Canine Chronicle Toy Group Hall of Fame 2021

F Toy HOF 2021

Click here to read the complete article 256 – September, 2022 Click here to read the complete article 256 – September, 2022

September 21st, 2022 | Posted in Current Articles,Editorial,Featured | Read More »

Redundancy – Or the Cups Runneth Over with Dog Stuff

F Redundancy

The longer a person is active in dog sports, the more likely it will be that they have accumulated a plentitude of “dog stuff” and a lot of it will be duplicates, triplicates and even greater “cates.” In fact, if you are the average “dog sport person,” paraphrasing King David’s words in Psalm 23, ‘your cup runneth over with dog stuff.’

September 20th, 2022 | Posted in Current Articles,Editorial,Featured | Read More »

Want to Win More?

F Want to Win More

Click here to read the complete article 220 – September, 2022 By Sandy Weaver 1. Learn from the successful breeders that came before you. People who are coachable and teachable have more success than those who aren’t. Visit with and learn from the successful breeders in your breed. Ask them what traits their dogs have [...]

September 19th, 2022 | Posted in Current Articles,Editorial,Featured | Read More »

Research Round-Up: Hookworms Developing Immunity to Common Dewormers

F Research Roundup

Researchers from the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine report what some dog breeders already suspected: hookworms are becoming resistant to drugs that formerly killed them.

September 18th, 2022 | Posted in Current Articles,Editorial,Featured | Read More »

The Bracco Italiano – The 200th AKC Breed

F Bracco Italiano

A few months back AKC announced that it was rounding up its roster of breeds to a neat 200 (in a strictly technical accounting).We just got the Mudi and the Russian Toy. Wow! So, the Bracco Italiano now competes from the sacrosanct AKC Sporting Group.

September 17th, 2022 | Posted in Current Articles,Editorial,Featured | Read More »


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