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Looking Around With Lee

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32 – July, 2020

By Lee Canalizo

After many years of posing with my dogs de jour–a zillion times a day–I can probably consider myself somewhat of an expert on the photographer-exhibitor-judge connection at our AKC dog shows.

We are fortunate to have some of the very best in the world taking our winners shots, in my opinion. Different photographers have different methods of getting the right shot; some are speedy, some are not, some are excellent, some are not.

As a judge who stood in the boiling sun, freezing rain, wind and sometimes dusk, taking win pictures, there were many times I wanted to just turn tail and go home! After judging in all kinds of conditions, the older I got, the more difficult it became to stand still, smile and look as though I had just discovered the really great one! I truthfully just wanted to get off my aching feet, hurting back, and sit down, have an adult beverage and chill!

Add the fact that the exhibitor is sometimes not experienced, the dog is not thrilled with the whole procedure, and the photographer has a line a mile long waiting their turn for pictures, things can get pretty iffy!…*see post-script at end.

After all of the above, lo and behold, more often than not, the result is usually a very nice–sometimes outstanding–remembrance of a good win. In a case like that, the exhibitor is happy, the shooter is happy, and the judge is pleased with the dog they pointed at that day!

Yea for everybody!

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32 – July, 2020

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