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AKC Achiever Dog Program

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164 – April 2017

By Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia


The American Kennel Club offers many opportunities for people to participate in more than 4,100 dog events. History shows that most new exhibitors begin in the venue that most interests them. Their problems begin when they do not win. Many start out in a particular sport only to learn that their dog is not suited for the venue or they lack the talent needed to win. When coupled with the time, cost and travel required they become discouraged, give up or just quit. In the conformation sport, the dropout rate is especially high, with new exhibitors dropping out after six tries at showing their dog without a show win. Unfortunately, those who leave do not come back, and the opportunity to experience other events and the com- radery available through the extensive network of clubs is lost.

In order to better understand this problem, a number of different approaches were used. The first was a review of what attracts and drives people to participate in AKC venues. The answer was found in three activities. 1. titles, 2. recognitions and 3. awards. Each year thousands of individuals compete to earn and receive them.

The next approach was to review the 2015 survey conducted by the AKC All-Breed Delegate Committee. They contacted club pres- idents, secretaries and delegates and received 879 responses. Key takeaways were:

1. People join clubs to socialize and learn about dogs.

2. Four best ways used to retain members were:
• Hold regular meetings
• Hold social activities
• Engage members to work at events
• Offer educational activities

3. Four best ways used to attract new members were:
• Offer educational activities
• Hold training classes
• Develop and keep up-to-date club website • Use social media to spread the word

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164 – April 2017

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