Table Talk · June 7, 2023
Think about the first time you showed up on the scene and what you needed to make your experience a positive one.
Think about the first time you showed up on the scene and what you needed to make your experience a positive one.
Charles E. “Chuck” Trotter, all-breed judge, loving husband, proud father, and friend of dogs, passed away peacefully in his sleep June 4 with his wife Pat and son Chuck Jr. at his side. Born April 14, 1933, in Nashville Tenn., he celebrated his 90th birthday recently with his and late friend Dottie Macdonald’s favorite vegetable – carrot cake!
Several fanciers had the pleasure of celebrating the Royal Kennel Club’s 150th anniversary with tea at Buckingham Palace. I am green with envy! (no pun intended) This opportunity truly sounded and looked like the opportunity of a lifetime. Andrew and Amy Green, Beth Sweigart and Peter Green, Jan Ritchie Gladstone and Bruce Schwartz were among the lucky ones that were able to participate in the royal celebration.
This is my first Table Talk column of the season written from my screened porch. It is a beautiful sunny day, and I am blessed with the beauty of my garden and my pooches surrounding me as I write this week’s thoughts. I hope every one of you have blessings such as this in [...]
Liz Muthard, who is home recuperating from a mini-stroke, had the following message to those in the fancy:
Charlie and I want to extend our most sincere appreciation to each and every one of you who posted, texted or called with concern for my wellbeing…
Vicki Cushman, the Juniors Finals judge, took a bit of a fall on the stairs earlier on Tuesday and had some pretty good lacerations on her legs. Once again, she demonstrated her ability to overcome adversity; and she didn’t miss a beat for her coveted assignment on Tuesday evening. Looking absolutely stunning as usually, Vicki stood center ring and performed her assignment with poise, elegance and expertise.
Ironically, after more than a century of direct comparison, Westminster 147 opened the same day of the running of its historical sports rival–the Kentucky Derby. It’s a total coincidence but still kinda cool.
Time and time again we are warned about the danger of leaving dogs in a closed vehicle on warmer days. Please note that I said warmer. As we all know, a vehicle sitting in the sun with no a/c and closed windows can be a death trap for dogs and humans. Even if the outside temperature is [...]
We are proud to welcome Michael to the team! Here’s what you can expect from him in the coming months… “Let’s get the basics out of the way first. Im Michael Canalizo and I have been involved in the sport of purebred dogs for 60 years now.’s painful just typing that! But for anyone new(er) to the sport, [...]
Since we no longer receive paper premium lists, it is becoming more challenging for exhibitors (present company specifically) to put together a show schedule. While I have been attending shows regularly in different capacities, I have not actually shown dogs for several years. I now have a couple of class animals that I plan [...]