JOIN US for the Barbet Club of America Virtual Sweepstakes!
I’m in Europe (Canada…the Balkans…) Why would I enter a Barbet Club of America Virtual Sweepstakes?
In North America a sweepstakes is traditionally held alongside a Specialty (single breed) show for the purpose of presenting the up and coming generation from your breeding program, as well as to honor your veterans. While we’re unable to travel to see dogs in person, BCA will build a visual reference library on our website from photos received for our sweepstakes event. You will be able to scroll through photos to see what our stud dogs and brood bitches are producing and to see how our beloved veterans are looking as they mature. Along with pedigree research, this will be an invaluable resource as we make decisions about future breeding plans. So we urge you to join in, send us your pictures and win great prizes, too!

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