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IMHO – Advice & Suggestions for New Judges

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114 – November/December, 2018


We asked 3 experienced AKC judges 2 questions about current issues affecting our sport. Here’s what they had to say…

Elaine Lessig – AKC Judge

What are your top three suggestions for new judges?

Here are three suggestions for new judges to ponder. Most importantly, remember why you have on a judge’s pin. You have agreed to knowledgeably and fairly judge the potential breeding stock that enters your ring. As is said in so many areas of our lives, your opinion counts. Judging is a perfect example of that phrase. Next, it is so much easier to be kind to every exhibitor who comes into your ring. Treat each one the way you expect to be treated, respect- fully. It makes your time in the ring pleasant, too. Finally, understand that judging is an organic process. The more you grow and develop as a judge, the quality of your judg- ing grows, as well.

Do you think it is harder or easier for judges to get started now than it was when you began?

Once upon a time, when I began judging, the process allowed me to apply for the one breed which I successfully owned, bred, and showed Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. For the next four applications, I applied for 1, 2, 4, and 8 more breeds. With my fifth application I completed the Toy Group. Although that took years, it also provided me with an extensive knowledge base. It was that outstanding model that guided me through all the breeds and groups I judge now. The present “PAC MAN” mentality that pervades now for many in the judging community is the complete antithesis. Breeds and groups are being devoured. Fine dining is a lost art for some. I remember an in-ring observation with Mr. Bivin in both varieties of Manchester Terriers late in my progression through the Toy Group. “Young lady,” he said to me. “Don’t be in a rush. Take your time and do it well.” I still hear those words today.

Click the link below to read what judges Jamie Hubbard (AKC Judge) and Bonnie Threlfall (AKC Judge) had to say:

Click here to read the complete article
114 – November/December, 2018

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