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Table Talk · October 2,2019

I was able to catch up with AKC Special Events Consultant Michael Canalizo regarding the AKC Breeder of the Year award. Michael was kind enough to provide a bit more detail regarding the criteria for nomination for this award.

He said, “The AKC National Championship presented by Royal Canin prides itself on being an event that highlights the AKC Breeder. Since its inception, the National Championship held the Best Bred-by-Exhibitor competition, which awarded those dogs bred by their exhibitors at a level never before seen at any event. The recognition has become one of great honor. Soon after, the AKC Breeder of the Year Award was developed to further honor those core participants in our sport.

“The AKC recognized that there was an endless list of dedicated breeders of purpose-bred AKC dogs and we started the award for one breeder in each group, each year.

“The original model (which is still in place) requires at least 20 years of active involvement of the breed, the committees weigh the ratio of numbers of litters to the number of titles earned. They seek those who impacted a breed in a positive way via a number of elements, including but not limited to, champions bred, top sires and dams that influenced the breed, and titles earned in many of the performance events (Obedience, Agility, Field Trials, etc.). Each year AKC produces reports with statistics that include this criteria. (When the AKC National Championship was an invitational event, the breeders had to have a dog qualify the year they were nominated, however that is no longer a part of the process). A Breeders involvement in their National and Local Breed Clubs is also considered in the overall scope of a nominee.

“AKC welcomes input from various sources including National Breed Clubs, and peer recommendations. We perform an internal review of each individual’s collective successes. These potential breeders are presented to an unidentified rotating committee and those not resulting in a nomination are kept active for future consideration.”

When I asked Michael about how one would go about recommending an individual for the award, he encouraged individuals to make the nominations through their parent club. I truly appreciate that Michael took the time to respond to my question and enlighten those about an award that highlights the people doing the hard work that keeps the sport of purebred dogs alive.

I was thrilled to hear that two more owner-handlers were successful in the Best In Show ring this past weekend! One individual received her first Best In Show and another received her first Reserve Best In Show. I’m happy to use this quote whenever I hear good news from my friends: “The dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true.”

I was a bit surprised to hear that membership in an individual’s breed parent club is necessary to get the Breeder of Merit distinction. I know several wonderful breeders who are not members of their parent club for a host of reasons, but the most popular reason I am aware of is either the lack of a code of ethics or more lenient ethics or breeding requirements than those individuals are comfortable with. I hope that I can get more clarification on this and perhaps determine if there is a way for the AKC Breeder of Merit team to either re-visit the criteria, or get an understanding if there is any opportunity for exceptions to this rule.

The Mississippi Gulf Coast Kennel Club is moving their December cluster from Hattiesburg, MS to Gulfport, MS due to the passing of an onerous animal ordinance by that city. They have cancelled the contract with the Forrest County Fairgrounds and are returning to the Harrison County Fairgrounds in Gulfport because the ordinance would negatively affect the exhibitors. The premium list will be up soon on the Onofrio website. Kudo’s to the club for having the best interests of purebred dogs and exhibitors in mind!

Please keep Val Atkinson in your thoughts as her mother was recently diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and will be entering hospice care. We are all thinking about you and your mom at this difficult time, Val.

Jason Hoke is off to Russia. This will be Jason’s first time judging there.

Happy Anniversary to Ashley and Brendan Ryan!! I cannot believe that you lovebirds have already been married for three years!

Celebrating birthdays this week are: Cheryl Robbins, Lenny Brown, Ryan Wolfe, Robin Novack, Sarah Krickeberg, Loran Morgan, Corey Benedict, Cindy Stansell, Karen Mammano, Megan Hof and Gia Garofalo.

I am looking forward to seeing all of my Terrier friends this coming weekend for Montgomery weekend! I am excited to attend Hatboro, Devon and Montgomery County Kennel Clubs. The weekend has so much history, I’d love to catch up with those of you who have historical memories to share and hear what this special weekend means to you!

Be safe in your travels, and be kind to your fellow exhibitors, my friends. We are all blessed to be a part of this sport. Instead of finding something to complain about, perhaps looking for something positive would be better! If you are not happy, find something that gives you joy! Until next time…

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Posted by on Oct 2 2019. Filed under Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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