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Table Talk · October 20, 2021


I am about halfway through my October/November “whirlwind” tour after returning from the Black Mountain Kennel Club shows in Henderson, Nevada.  A definite perk of attending these shows is they are consistent about getting the show done each day at a reasonable hour giving exhibitors the opportunity to enjoy some of the fun and frolic that Las Vegas has to offer. I had the opportunity to enjoy two shows this year with friends, which was a definite bonus for me!

While I recognize that being on the road with dogs is a huge responsibility and a lot of work, I think we all need to try to take in the sites and special attractions of the places we visit. As fanciers, many of us are blessed with the opportunity to travel to places that we would not otherwise see, and we should maximize that opportunity, if at all possible. This may mean taking the ‘long way’ to view a scenic route, stopping in a cute town, or going to a special restaurant or attraction. Life is short my friends; let’s stop and smell the roses. What adventures have you taken while enroute to shows or at the shows?  I’d love to hear from you at

The lives of exhibitors and handlers are hectic.  We are always preparing for that next trip or show. As a result, we are not very good at keeping in touch with friends and family. I encourage you to take that extra day to visit with a friend who lives in the area where the shows you are attending are located. Take some time, when you are at home, to call your mentor and chat; and if you are fortunate enough that your parents are still living, by all means do not forget to call them just to tell them hello and that you love them. Remember, they will not be around forever!

I am excited to report that the Montgomery County and Hatboro Kennel Club have entered into a 5-year agreement to hold their shows at Macungie Park! This means next year we will only have to drive to Ludwig’s Corner on Saturday for Devon but we will stay put at Macungie for two days of Hatboro Thursday and Friday and then travel back to Montgomery County on Sunday!

There was a bit of confusion regarding the reserved grooming for the upcoming shows at Palm Springs KC. Exhibitors who tried to reserve grooming online got a message that the grooming was sold out. However, this was the message that people received before grooming was actually open for reservations. The team is working on auditing all reservations to ensure that individuals do not have double and triple reservations and they will be issuing refunds. Those of you who do not have reservations should check back regarding availability. I am looking forward to returning to the Empire Polo Grounds in January for one of the most beautiful shows of the year!!!

Entries have closed for Woofstock, and it is shaping up to be another wonderful cluster of peace, love and dogs! With an entry of 2364 on Saturday, and many specialties and supported entries, it should be an amazing four days in Northern California. I will be attending Woofstock:  Stop by the Purina booth and say hi!! Woofstock will return to their regularly scheduled dates in June 2022.

I am deeply saddened to report two great losses to the fancy this past week. Whippet fancier Rhonda Gold lost her battle with cancer. She passed away peacefully with grace, dignity and courage while surrounded by loved ones. Rhonda was loved by all that had the pleasure of knowing her. She will be greatly missed.

Bob Slay lost his battle with cancer this past week. Bob spent many years of his life in the sport as a breeder of German Shepherd Dogs, an AKC Executive Field Representative, an AKC Vice President and a multi-group judge. The sport of purebred dogs has lost another leader who exhibited the personal qualities we all wish to possess. We extend our heartfelt condolences to Bob’s family and friends at this very sad time.

Ken Greenslade continues his recovery after his recent stem cell transplant. He and his loving wife, Robin, are still living the life of semi-quarantine, and we all look forward to seeing them back at shows as soon as they are ready! Ken is a true warrior and should be an example to us all!

Celebrating anniversaries this week are Tim and Lisa Thomas and Tammy and Greg Bohlke. Time flies when you are in love!  Enjoy your time together, and may you enjoy many more years ahead.

Celebrating birthdays this week are:  Peggy Rucker, Amy Booth, Stevie Wei, Brad Jenkins, Kathy Hritzo Heimann, Sandy Mesmer, Ethan Coye, Annie Balotti, Jill Bell and Betty Ann Stenmark.  May each of you have the best day with your loved ones!

Enjoy the journey my friends!  Be kind, helpful and understanding. Hug your canines close and remember this: They do it for you!  I look forward to seeing you soon down the road.  Safe Travels!  Until next time…


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Posted by on Oct 20 2021. Filed under Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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