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Table Talk · November 16, 2022

As a breeder, I took great pride in my efforts to improve my breed.  People could stand ringside or look at photos and say, “that must be a NuStar dog”, or at least have my dogs behind it somewhere.  It took me a long time to learn that part of my responsibility as a breeder was to allow others to use my dog(s) to improve their lines, and I needed to “breed out” to improve mine.  It was always difficult for me to let my pet puppies or retired dogs go to homes where they could live their lives as the one and only–or one of a couple–on the sofa.  I had several families that I felt comfortable placing dogs with over the year, and most were referred to me by fellow breeders or enthusiasts that I trusted.  I felt great responsibility to these families, and I always tried to match the right dog with the right family.  If I had a dog that was less than healthy (while health is improving consistently through health testing, my breed has had its share of issues), I kept it.  I did not think it was fair to knowingly place a dog that would have issues throughout his or her life.

This past week has been difficult for me.  A couple that has had several dogs from me lost their 7-year-old girl to kidney failure.  I had to assure them that letting her go was the right thing to do, and all I could do was keep apologizing.  They kept telling me that they appreciated having her for the time they did, as she was the sweetest girl.  They gave her the best home, and they were so very gracious.  Watching them lose their beloved family member was almost more difficult for me than losing one of my own.  I feel as if I have let them, and her, down.  If done right, breeding dogs brings great responsibility–not only for the dogs themselves, but the humans with which we place them.  I commend those that have the heart and soul to continue breeding.  I have the utmost respect for those who can carry on despite the tough times like this one, and continue to focus on producing healthy companions, and beautiful show dogs.

Part of our responsibility as dog owners is to make sure that our dogs are provided for in the event something happens to us.  Make sure you have a plan for your animals, and an agreement with someone to either take your dogs or at the least take them temporarily until suitable homes can be found.  Always have something in your wallet that states who should be called should something happen to you while on the road with your dogs.  If this is not done, your dogs could end up in a government shelter; and if you are injured or unconscious, absent clear instructions, the shelter will alter your dogs and place them for adoption.

Unfortunately, the Shoreline Kennel Club Shows, which are normally held the beginning of December in Costa Mesa, are cancelled this year.  Stay tuned for more information about their 2023 shows, tentatively scheduled for Labor Day Weekend!

I have heard that the Beverly Hills and Malibu Kennel Clubs have an agreement to hold their shows at the Lake Perris grounds. Congratulations to the clubs for persevering and finding a workable site for their shows!  While many of us will miss the Fairplex, it has gotten too expensive for clubs to be able to hold shows there.  Fortunately, both the Mission Circuit and Beverly Hills, Malibu and Great Western have been able to relocate and carry on!  Thanks to all for your hard work!

Congratulations to Aaron Wilkerson and Ashley Cuzzolino on the birth of their daughter, Audrey Anne Wilkerson, born November 7, 2022 and weighing 6 pounds 10 ounces!  Best wishes for a wonderful future.

Happy Anniversary to Courtney and William Bastian.  May you two have many more happy, healthy, hunt-filled years ahead!

Fanciers celebrating birthdays this week are:  Cynthia Woodward, Rob Skibinski, Pam Hoerster, Amy Rutherford, Pat Fernandes, Rhonda Cassidy, Sydney Good, Mark Bettis, Fabio Leite, Glenn Lycan, Eric Leibes, Phil Booth, Jason Hoke, Erin Piercy-Foreman, Linda Rowley and Don Gilette.

May your week be filled with good thoughts, kind people and happy moments!  Make the best of each day, my friends.  Remember, tomorrow is not promised!

I look forward to seeing you all in Orlando!  We have some fun Table Talk Live coverage in store!  Be safe out there!  Until next time….

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