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Table Talk · March 3, 2021

One of the challenges owners and handlers have had to contend with during the pandemic is getting dogs entered in shows.  Some clubs have elected to have their shows open at unconventional days and times while imposing entry limits due to COVID guidelines and restrictions.  It is often necessary to be available at inconvenient times in order to get a dog entered in a specific show.  It is irrelevant if this practice was recommended by the superintendent, as clubs have the final decision how entries are accepted.  Concerns about show openings should be directed to show chairs who have chosen to limit their entry, an opening date, and how entries will be accepted.  After looking at the CC online events calendar, it appears that there will be more shows to enter in the very near future.

Silver State, scheduled for April 3 and 4 in Henderson, Nevada has an entry limit of 1,000 dogs.  The show closes on March 17th, or when the limit is reached, whichever is sooner.

The Cardinal Cluster in Columbus, Ohio is a go on their regularly scheduled dates of April 23-25.  This year the shows will be held at the Marion County Fairgrounds since their usual location, the Ohio State Fairgrounds, are not available.  The club hopes to return to the state fairgrounds next year.  Thank you to the hardworking club volunteers for your fast work in securing an alternate location on short notice!

I would like to thank Mari-Beth O’Neill, Doug and Taylor Johnson, Tuni Conti, Tiffany Cardin, and Dasha Mlinorich for participating in a Table Talk roundtable discussion regarding Canine Partners in Junior Showmanship.  The segment will be available on the Canine Chronicle Facebook page,, and Canine Chronicle TV.  I would love to hear your thoughts on the segment and this topic.  Please send me an email or reach out via Facebook messenger.

The AKC has put together a 2-part webinar for fanciers to hear how several AKC-staffers got started in Junior Showmanship.  Part 1 was held this past Monday (but can always be replayed) and part 2 will be available on March 22nd.  There is an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentation.  If you are at all curious about how some of the AKC staff got started in AKC events, this would be a great opportunity.  Those interested can register at and search AKC Educational Webinar Series.

AKC continues their effort to find ways to increase awareness and draw interest in the sport of purebred dogs.  As part of these efforts, Dr. Jerry Klein and Mari-Beth O’Neill lead a Veterinary Outreach Program.  Particular emphasis has been placed on educating and familiarizing today’s veterinary students with the AKC, the variety of competitive venues and its involvement in canine health research through the AKC Canine Health Foundation. It also highlights AKC’s message to veterinarians about their role in educating clients about responsible dog ownership.  Through the pandemic, visits to veterinary schools have continued via Zoom which has enabled increased AKC staff participation due to the lack of travel requirements.

Keep your eyes open for a Table Talk segment with Dr. Klein and Mari-Beth, where we will discuss the Veterinary Outreach Program.  If anyone has any questions regarding the program, please send them to me at or via Facebook messenger, and we will be certain to address those questions during our segment!

The Dog People Can Cook Facebook group, started by Virginia Murray, now has 2600 members!  This group began during the pandemic as a source of entertainment and a place to share recipes and all things cooking.  I am pleased to announce that after a lot of hard work by a few of the members of the group, Dog People Can Cook has gone to the printer!  The book will be available to everyone for $25 plus shipping.  Anyone interested in obtaining a copy should reach out to Virginia Murray via Facebook messenger.

I am happy to report that after a couple of days in the hospital following shoulder replacement surgery, Nancy Liebes is now home and recuperating.  We are all sending healing thoughts your way my friend.  You will be as good as new in no time!

Here’s wishing a very happy 43rd wedding anniversary to Rob and Diana Skibinski.  You guys certainly do not look old enough to be married for 43 years.  You must have been childhood bride and groom!  May you enjoy many more years of love, health and happiness.

Celebrating birthdays this week are:  Jan Moore, Wendy Kampinski, Lesley Potts, Ines Medina, Sarah Drake, Tuni Conti, Judy Cooper (my utha mutha), and Diana Hadsall.  I hope each of you does something wonderful for yourself on your special day—you deserve it!!

Be safe in your travels, my friends.  I look forward to seeing you soon!  Until next time…

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Posted by on Mar 3 2021. Filed under Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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