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Table Talk · February 26, 2020

Fox Sports aired a one-hour program called the Westminster Kennel Club Highlight Show on Sunday afternoon. This show included highlights of the 144th Westminster Kennel Club dog show.  The production was excellent and not only provided a great snapshot of the group and Best in Show winners–making the program enjoyable for “die hard” fanciers–but it also was an excellent educational opportunity for the novice enthusiast, highlighting why each group winner was a good example of their breed.  In my opinion, this program was yet another excellent opportunity for the sport of purebred dogs to reach out to the general public.   The program portrayed our sport in a very positive light.  Take that John Berman!!!  I hope that Fox Sports still does their two-hour program “Crowned” as they have over the last few years!  Kudos to all involved including the producers, commentators Don Sturz and Jennie Taft, and of course, the handlers and their beautiful dogs.


I was pleased to see that, among other things, the Fox program highlighted Purina’s Purple Leash Program which debuted at this year’s Westminster show.  The Purple Leash program has been established to raise awareness about the need for domestic violence shelters that accept victims with dogs, and pets in general.   If you were wondering what the purple ribbons that many people were wearing meant, this was what they were for.  If you are interested in learning more about the program, or donating, you can go to


I was saddened to hear that another kennel club will be closing its doors.  The Douglasville Kennel Club has ceased operation and will no longer hold meetings or events.  In addition, the Arizona Chinese Shar-Pei Club held its last specialty show this past weekend.  These are two more reasons why if you have not volunteered or become involved with your local all-breed and/or specialty club, you should!  No amount of time or effort is too little.


The Medina Kennel Club will hold its Barkaritaville shows in Tallmadge, Ohio on February 29th and March 1st.  For the last couple of years, they have done charitable reserved grooming with proceeds going to the George Ward Scholarship program.  Again, this year, reserved grooming has sold out!  Those attending, please do not forget to wear your finest Island Attire, and make sure to check out the raffle as well!  Proceeds from the raffle will also benefit the George Ward Scholarship fund.


Entries for the Louisville Cluster close Wednesday 2/26 at noon EST. Free reserved grooming for the cluster also closes Wednesday, but grooming reservations will be accepted until Monday.  Please email your grooming reservations to Nina Fetter at  In addition, all RV parking with power has been sold out for quite some time.  If you have an RV reservation with power and your plans have changed, please reach out to Nina at your earliest convenience:  Many exhibitors are looking for RV spots with power!


The American Kennel Club Education Department recently initiated a new program called the AKC PupPals Program.  The PupPals Program provides children in need of uplifting with a personalized note and photo from a canine friend. Any child is eligible to receive a note, including children who are struggling with an illness, the illness/death of a loved one (human or pet), who are missing a deployed parent, or who are otherwise struggling through a difficult time.

The parent/legal guardian may nominate their child for the program. Additionally, AKC Education is seeking photos of and information about dogs that can be shared with the children. If you would like more information about the program or to participate, please visit


There is no doubt that we all want to get our set-ups packed up sso we can “get out of dodge” at the conclusion of a cluster.  When packing up set-ups, breaking down crates and ex-pens, etc. before Best In Show has concluded, we need to be mindful that there are still people trying to show their dogs, and the banging of crates and equipment can make the difference in a dog’s performance.  You could be that person in the ring with your dog beautifully stacked when a loud bang rings out and your beautifully stacked dog turns into a not-so-beautiful picture.  Let us all be supportive and respectful of each other until the bitter end of the show, and quietly pack up our things so that each dog in the finals can look its best.


Congratulations to Tammy and Greg Bohlke on the birth of their very first grandchild.  Enjoy the moment, my friends.  Best wishes to you and your family!


Celebrating birthdays this week are:  Sara Purdin-Golding, Leonardo Garcini, Luke Baggenstos, Nate Franceso and Dennis Brown.  May you all have the best day spent with canines, family and friends.


I’m off this week to Pomona, California for the Beverly Hills Dog Show and Great Western Terrier Show.  The Beverly Hills Dog Show on Saturday will be taped for television and will air on NBC on Easter Sunday, April 5th.


Please be sure to reach out to me at if your travel schedule includes the Louisville Cluster and you have a few moments to spend with Table Talk Live! telling the public about the breed specifics of YOUR breed!


My thought for the week (thanks to Laura King):  Today you could be standing next to someone who is trying their best not to fall apart…Whatever you do today, do it with kindness in your heart.


Be safe in your travels, my friends, and I will see you down the road!  Until next time…

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