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Table Talk · February 21, 2024

“If we want our sport to survive changing times, we must prioritize civility and kindness.”  You can find this statement in Jessica Braatz’ most recent Junior Perspective article titled, Social Media: Write or Wrong? (   This article is so poignant and true, and I applaud this young fancier for her insight.  While Jessica’s primary interest is writing about Junior Showmanship, the article is applicable across the board as it relates to our sport.

In this month’s article, Jessica encourages fanciers to re-read the AKC Code of Sportsmanship and take a moment to reflect before giving in to that alluring, blue “post” button.  Well said, Jessica!

I can only guess that the individual (an adult) who posted the unkind, unsportsmanlike comments about Junior Showmanship exhibitors during last years’ AKC National Championship wishes they possessed Jessica’s good instincts and civility since they have removed the post.

We owe it to the sport of purebred dogs to set a positive example for those that are less experienced.  We need to keep in mind, when posting on social media, how our comments appear to the public.  The kindness and civility mentioned above is what we need to always keep in mind.  Let us all try to follow the good old saying, “If you cannot say anything nice, do not say anything at all.”  Read your comments before you hit that blue button.  How would an outsider view them?  How can they affect others?

Thanks to Mary Dukes for these inspiring, spiritual truths we most certainly will learn during our lifetime:

  1.  Magic Really Happens.
  2. The Universe is Listening.
  3. What we give, we get.
  4. There are no coincidences.
  5. We create what we feel.
  6. Optimism attracts positivity.
  7. Your gut is your spiritual guide.
  8. Love heals hatred and misery.
  9. Energy never lies.
  10. Prayer works.
  11. Meditation works.
  12. Full moons are magical.
  13. New moons are magical.

A couple of weeks ago, during what was the original Westminster weekend (February 10-11, 2024), there were only two all-breed dog show clusters in the US. One was in Miami, Florida which had an entry of about 500 entries per show and the other was in Dallas, Texas which had an entry of about 1,500 entries per show.  Many exhibitors took the opportunity to enjoy a weekend off and, possibly, a vacation.  Some clubs who have contemplated changing their dates to this weekend–because of the lack of shows–have decided to wait and see what happens with the Westminster Kennel Club dates in 2025.  Hopefully, Westminster will announce their 2025 dates soon so clubs (and exhibitors) can make plans for the future.

A reminder to those planning to attend Westminster this year: Please remember that entries close Wednesday!!!!  If you have not secured your accommodations yet, get them done as soon as possible!  Hotels are filling up quickly!

Those joining us for the Kentuckiana Cluster this year who have not made grooming reservations should send them in as soon as possible!  Questions and reservations should be directed to Nina Fetter at  If you have not made your arrangements for the show, don’t wait because if fills up quickly.  Entries for Louisville close Wednesday, February 28th. MB-F is the superintendent.

The Norwegian Elkhound Association of Northern California–held this past weekend in conjunction with the Sun Maid Kennel Club All-Breed shows in Fresno California–dedicated their show to the memory of Jen Reed.  It is still hard for me to believe Jen is gone.  A lovely woman, dedicated to the sport, Norwegian Elkhounds, and Pat and Chuck Trotter, who is gone way too soon.  She is truly missed by those in the fancy who knew her.

It was great to see Bill McFadden back running left-handed circles in Fresno, California so soon after his shoulder surgery!  Take it easy, my friend.  There are plenty of dog shows left in your career!!

It is with great sadness that I pass on the news that Steve Ross– a beloved dog show photographer in the Pacific Northwest–passed away.  Steve and his late wife, Marianne, bred Shiba Inu.  He was loved and admired by all who had the pleasure of knowing him.  Steve will be missed by the fancy.

Our deepest sympathies go out to Nikki Ryan and Ryan Wolfe on the loss of Nikki’s father, Thomas Madrigrano, who passed away last week.  Our thoughts are with you at this most difficult time.

Special Anniversary wishes are extended to lovebirds Ann and Ray Yuhasz who are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. Laura and David Johnson also celebrated their anniversary recently.  May you lovebirds have many more happy, healthy, love-filled years.

Fanciers celebrating birthdays this week include:  Kate Berry, Susanna Bjornsson, Valeria Rickard, Anne Regan, Ed Fojtik, Jen Holmberg Baggenstos, Heather Buehner, Charlotte Patterson, Rindi Gaudet and Lynda O’Connor-Schneider.  I hope you all take a moment to enjoy another year on this great planet!

I leave you with this thought:

Breeders with a great mind talk about ideas.

Breeders with a normal mind talk about results.

Breeders with a small mind talk about other breeders and handlers.

Wherever your travels take you, be safe.  Those who are coming to Madison, Wisconsin for the Renaissance Cluster this week, be sure to stop by and see me at the Purina booth!  I’ll see you soon down the road!  Until next time….

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Posted by on Feb 21 2024. Filed under Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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