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Table Talk · December 8, 2021

Flashback to several years ago; I would have been deciding which holiday cluster to attend. Would it be the Christmas Cluster at the Rosemont Convention Center in the Chicago area, or the cluster at the IX Center in Cleveland? Both clusters were well-run and–depending on judging panels–great options. Both clusters almost always drew majors in many breeds, had a great deal of vendors for holiday shopping, and were festive.

Enter the AKC Invitational. Originally the show was “by invitation only.” There were several different ways a contestant could be invited, and the show drew significant international competition. When the show began, I remember hearing the AKC state that they would not “run against” another club that had established dates. The show alternated between California and Florida.

Fast-forward a few years. The AKC Invitational switches gears and becomes the AKC National Championship. No longer by invitation only, the show continues to gain popularity with huge numbers, and moves to the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando. The show floors at the IX-Center and Rosemont Convention Center become increasingly empty. There were very few majors, as now the AKC National Championship was directly competing with both clusters. (It should be noted that at one point the Cleveland shows and the “Chicago” shows worked together to move dates so they would not be competing against each other. This was in an effort to survive).

Sadly, both the IX Center circuit (the IX Center venue has since shuttered its doors because of COVID) and the Chicago-area circuit are no more. If one were to look at the chain of events, one would have to say that the AKC National Championship put these clusters out of business.  Kudos, however, to the Delaware Water Gap and Lehigh Valley Kennel Clubs for persevering and continuing with a Pennsylvania alternative.

I enjoy attending the AKCNC in Orlando. It is a great opportunity to witness truly top-notch competition. There are incredible education opportunities, and it brings a lot of fanciers together under one roof at a world-class venue. I do, however, miss the good ole days and the good ole shows!

Those attending the AKCNC this year should be aware that masks will be required. There are specific requirements about the types of masks that are acceptable, so those planning on attending should check the COVID protocol at

It is great to see that clubs are celebrating the season and encouraging festive activities. In both Perry, Georgia and Yuma, Arizona, clubs held RV decorating contests and Ugly Sweater contests. Winners in Yuma, AZ received Amazon Prime Gift Cards!! The Southern Handler’s Charity League held their annual holiday potluck at the Conroe shows. This event is always a holiday favorite, and a good time was had by all!

Many of you may have watched the National Dog Show on Thanksgiving Day following the Macy’s Parade. Ratings for the National Dog Show topped views for the Oscars by nearly 1 million viewers! This just confirms that dogs truly are the BEST!! The National Dog Show scored 11.3 million viewers on Thanksgiving Day!

Confirmations of entry for the 147th Westminster Kennel Club show have been sent by MB-F by both US Mail and electronic mail. Stay tuned for more information about Westminster 2022.

The Sun-Maid Kennel Club will be celebrating 100-plus years at their shows in February in California. AKC TV will be broadcasting on February 19th! Congratulations to all involved.

Congratulations to Colton and Heather Johnson on the grand opening of their new Under the Sun Dog Training facility in Colorado! In addition, one of their Bugaboo Old English Sheepdogs has landed a regular gig on the sit-com, B-Positive!


I was happy to hear that Mary Norton’s mom has been sprung from the hospital! Best wishes for continued healing.

CJ Favre checked in to report that his wife, Lisa, has been released from the hospital. Her surgery has been delayed until January while she regains her strength. Keep up the good work Lisa, we are looking forward to having you back at the shows.

I am pleased to report that Melinda Lyon has been transferred to rehab at the Louisville East Post-Acute Care Center at 4200 Browns Lane, Room 116, Louisville, KY 40220. Cards and visitors are encouraged!

Healing thoughts to Karen Evasuik’s husband, Steve, who has been fighting a couple of health issues. As a result, Karen will not be with us this year in Orlando, since she will be home with Steve.  We will miss you, Karen. We wish both of you the best!

Happy Anniversary to Bob and Erika Busby and Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine and Sandy McIlwaine.  May you guys enjoy more love and laughter throughout the years.

Margretta Patterson-Kauffman turned 97 years young this week! Other fanciers celebrating birthdays this week are Gail Miller-Bisher, Marti Johnson, Clint Livingston, Jordan Confer, Rachel Adams, Marilyn Funke and Nancy Fisk. I hope each of you make time for an appropriate birthday celebration! Many more happy returns to each and every one of you.

Love your dogs as long as you have them, my friends. It is never long enough! Pace yourselves and be safe in your travels! Until next time…


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