Table Talk · December 22, 2021
Another AKC National Championship (AKCNC) is in the books! While things definitely felt more “normal” than in 2020, I look forward to 2022 when–hopefully–it is business as usual!
While everything about the AKCNC renews my love for our sport, I have to say there is a special spot in my heart for the “non-regular” group competition(s). The Bred-By group competition was full of quality, with dogs beautifully represented by their breeders. It always makes me smile to see the professional handlers and judges in the ring with exhibits from their breeding programs. This is one of the few opportunities they have to show their own dogs. The Puppy Stakes, always one of my favorites, was incredible once again, with beautiful young hopefuls. The National Owner-Handled series has become a highlight for many exhibitors. There were many beautiful exhibits in this year’s competition, and I congratulate all on a job well done!
I had the opportunity this year to do Table Talk Live! segments with a few of the NOHS group winners/placements, and it was reassuring to hear each of them call out the support of the fancy and specifically, professional handlers. As a sport, we need to continue to support each other, especially the newcomers, and hearing the Owner Handlers acknowledge that the support is encouraging. If you have not had the opportunity to watch the show’s Table Talk Live! segments, hop over to the Canine Chronicle Facebook page or and take a look! Thanks to all who took time to participate.
The AKCNC will be broadcast on ABC on January 2nd at 2 PM EST. Be sure to tune in and watch the show, and tell all your “non-doggie” friends. Nationally publicized dog shows are one of our greatest forms of outreach and education about our sport!
With the highly publicized increase in Omicron variant of Covid cases in New York, and the resulting shutdown of Broadway, many exhibitors are wondering what the status of the 147th Westminster Kennel Club dog show is at this time. The current statement on the WKC website reads as follows:
As we anticipate the 2022 show under the uncertainty of public health, our top priority will remain the safety and well-being of our exhibitors, judges, show personnel, and dogs. All planning decisions have been guided by governmental mandates, public health guidelines and capacity constraints. As a result, admission to ALL Pier 36 events will be limited to essential show personnel.
Everyone should continue to check the Westminster website for updates. The Canine Chronicle will continue to post updates when they become available. Those who have not yet subscribed to the Westminster newsletter may want to consider doing so.
Don Sturz, who has been doing nighttime commentary on the WKC broadcast for the last several years, is otherwise occupied judging Best In Show this year. Consequently, this opened up a spot during the evening broadcast. Jason Hoke, who has been working with Kimberly Meredith on the daytime coverage, has been moved to that nighttime spot. Jason’s move opened up a spot alongside Kim. I heard that Remy Smith-Lewis will be joining Kim for the day-time spot. Congratulations, Remy. Have fun with this important assignment!
Entry numbers are up for the Palm Springs shows in January. With an entry of 3800, Palm Springs has the largest entry they have seen in the last 13 years! I look forward to sun, palm trees, and many beautiful dogs in January!!
There was a noticeable absence at the AKC booth in Orlando. Unfortunately, Pat Lejman was hospitalized and unable to make the trip. She is on the mend, however! We look forward to seeing you soon, Pat! This message is from all of us at the CC family… Get Well Soon!
It is with great sadness that I report the passing of Chow Chow fancier Barbara Becker who lost her battle with cancer this past week. Barbara was a great friend and mentor to many. She will be sorely missed by the fancy.
I am pleased to report that Melinda Lyon continues to work hard and make wonderful progress with her rehab. She is walking with a walker, and even took a few stairs. Of course, Melinda’s goal is to be able to attend the Kentuckiana Cluster in March. I have no doubt that she will succeed! Keep up the great work, Melinda–we are all cheering for you!
Fanciers celebrating birthdays this week are David Harper, Mary Dukes, Blake Hansen, Diana Skibinski, Lee Herr, Paula Thomas, Andy Linton, Linda Williams, Jeff Wright, and Carol Spritzer. May all of you have the best day with family and friends!
My thought for this week is this: Life is too short to worry about what others say or think about you. Enjoy life, have fun, and give them something to talk about!!!
Happy holidays to all! Enjoy your family and friends and recharge! Until next time…
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