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Table Talk · December 20, 2023

And just like that the 2023 Orlando Cluster/AKC National Championship is in the rear-view mirror. Each year this cluster reminds me of how blessed we are to be a part of the sport of purebred dogs and its wonderful community. One of my favorite things about the ANC is it gives me an opportunity to see friends that I only cross paths with a couple times per year.  The low-entry breeds were well-represented as were the specialty breed clubs. The depth of quality overall was second to none!  As breeders, owners, and exhibitors, we should all be very proud of the hard work, dedication and effort everyone puts toward the dogs.

Once again, the Junior Showmanship competition throughout the week was amazing!

Over 150 Juniors competed each day of the cluster and on Saturday for the AKC National Junior Showmanship finals. The Orlando Cluster held a Best of the Best Junior Competition on Thursday. The winner was presented with a $2500 scholarship and the two runners-up each received a $1500 scholarship. As I stood ringside Thursday night watching Michael Shepherd judge the three Best Juniors from the week, I was in awe. The composure and talent of these three Juniors made me so proud. On Saturday the AKC National Best Junior Handler received a $5,000 scholarship and the coveted title was awarded to Octavia Stensen with her Norwegian Buhund, GCHB Cultiva Cruisin For A Bruisin. You can read more about Octavia’s win on  A huge congratulations to Octavia for your great win!

I would also like to note that one of the Junior Handlers–who was exhibiting his first show dog,  an Irish Setter–went on to win the Owner-Handled Sporting group then NOHS Best In Show. The team of Adam Kucera and GCHB Kinloch So There! walked into that big ring and did not miss a beat! 15-year-old Savanna Michalak won Reserve Best In Show with her Australian Shepherd GCHS Serendipity Collinswood Kestrel CGCA CGCU TKN ATT. Read more about it on –  The talent in the Junior’s ring is incredible! When watching deep competition such as this, we can all take comfort in knowing the future of the sport looks bright. Congratulations to all on a job well done!

Thank you to all who participated in our Table Talk Live! coverage in Orlando.  If you have not had the opportunity to enjoy the videos, please go to our Facebook page, CanineChronicle.TV, or our website, Whether you were on site or at home, I am sure we have great content that you will enjoy.

Our sincere gratitude to Linda Rowell and the volunteers of the Orlando Cluster for your hard work and dedication. Your hospitality is second to none!

Michael Canalizo and the AKC staff did a fantastic job of making the AKC National Championship a memorable experience for all. Thank you for all your hard work.

The Judge’s Education Program in Orlando has become an annual opportunity for judges from all over the country to learn about breeds they are applying for, or plan to apply for. This year, the program was well-attended. One of the great things about Judge’s Education in Orlando is you can attend a seminar and then watch a deep entry ringside making this truly a tremendous opportunity!

A baby shower was held for Devon Kipp-Levy and Dylan Kipp-Keith at their set-up in Orlando. What a great way to celebrate a joyous occasion with friends from around the country! Congratulations to Devon and Dylan on the two family’s additions!

A memorial service was held at Kate Berry’s set up for her late husband, Mike, who we lost 6 short months ago. It’s great to see the fancy band together to support one of their own.

In case you didn’t know, Wayne Cavanaugh fell ill and was hospitalized after his first day judging in Orlando.  Fortunately, he is on the mend and safely made his way home to Michigan.

This is one of the most difficult times of the year for handlers who have dogs going home. A very special bond is created between the handler, their assistants, and their charges as they travel across the country week after week, show after show. Saying goodbye is one of the most emotional parts of the job! At the end of the day, looking back at accomplishments, funny moments, beautiful photos, and reminiscing about a dog’s career can be soothing.

This cluster was Executive Field Representative Mary Duke’s last stint. After eighteen years as an EFR, Mary will begin her next chapter in the sport as a judge. While we have lost an amazing Rep, we have gained what I am sure will be a huge asset to the judging ranks. Best wishes, my friend. You have been a truly awesome rep!

I am sorry to share the sad news that Peggy Beisel Mcilwaine’s husband, Sandy, lost his valiant battle with cancer. Sandy fought the good fight, but in the end, the ugly disease prevailed. Our thoughts are with Peggy and her family at this difficult time.

For those jazz lovers who will be joining us in Palm Springs, you may want to consider attending Jazz Grooves@Revolution on January 4th at 6 PM.  Vocalist/Trumpeter Joe Gransden and Pianist Eddie Tobin will be performing.  Tickets are $30 each.  For more information, please visit

Fanciers celebrating birthdays this week include:  Jeff Winton, Remy Smith-Lewis, Mike McGuire, Blake Hansen, Diana Skibinski, Mary Dukes, Paula Thomas, Andy Linton, Claire Wisch-Abraham and Jay Shen. Have a wonderful day and a great year ahead!

This week I am sharing words of wisdom from Shawn Nichols:

In 41 years of doing this I have been beaten down, even broken but I do what I do because I love it.  Every day I make mistakes, and hopefully I learn from them. We definitely all need to love one another a little bit more.

I look forward to seeing everyone in Palm Springs for more Table Talk Live fun!  Please stop by the Chronicle booth and keep an eye out for me!  I can’t wait to see everyone!  Until next time…

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