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Table Talk · December 15, 2021

While our show schedule is slowly getting back to normal–and by 2022 many shows will be back to their original dates–there are still a few schedule changes that will be challenging for some.  Normally we have a couple of months to rest between the two “big” shows–Orlando in December and Westminster in February. This year, Orlando is later than usual, and Westminster is in January instead of February. For some, there is a lot of cross-country travel in a short period of time than is customary. In addition, there is the added stress to both human and canine from the pressure of showing at the bigger shows. Many left for Orlando a couple weeks early and attended shows along the way. Others attended shows on the west coast or east coast and “high-tailed” (no pun intended!) it to Florida, driving through the night to arrive in Orlando in time for Tuesday’s all breed show. In just a few short weeks, people will be heading to the big apple for Westminster. Pace yourselves, my friends! Hopefully next year’s end of year schedule will be a bit more “normal”.

For those who will be traveling by air, we found a couple of helpful travel “hacks” that may be useful:

  • While liquids are not allowed through TSA, if you freeze a bottle of water, it is allowed through as long as it is still frozen! This is helpful if you are traveling long enough for the water to thaw once you are through security.
  • I always bring my YETI and my Tervis Tumbler with me when I travel. If you do the same, bring tea bags or instant coffee with you and just ask for hot water. Voila! You have a nice hot drink without paying the outrageous airport prices (for a not-so-great product).
  • If you are searching for airfares, search in an incognito tab. The cookies track what you have searched for, and this can impact the fares you are seeing. Searching in an incognito tab will ensure you are seeing the lowest fares!!

I know that we are all pretty tired of COVID procedures, but please remember the show volunteers did not make them. They are required to follow them. It is still difficult for volunteers to get the shows to happen. Instead of complaining to them, please thank them for all they do. We are losing club volunteers because they are tired of getting yelled at by exhibitors. We should all be looking for ways to help! For those that are not already a member of an all-breed club, and thereby volunteering to help put a show on, please make 2022 the year to volunteer!

I am sorry to report that Italian Greyhound fancier Carol Smith passed away. Carol was a significant contributor to the IG fancy both through her breeding program and her tireless efforts with the Italian Greyhound Club of America. She will be sorely missed by the fancy.

Congratulations to Lauren Hay-Lavitt and Robert Portal on their recent engagement. May you have many years of love and happiness. Stuart McGraw and Justine Spiers were also recently engaged. Best wishes for many happy years ahead!

Happy 20th Anniversary to Bradshaw Show Superintendents, Susan Bradshaw MacLyman and Keith MacLyman. May you love birds celebrate many more happy, healthy years ahead!

Celebrating birthdays this week are Paul Catterson, Cheryl Krown, Heidi Cole, Luke Ehricht, Ashley Ryan, Remy Smith-Lewis, and Mike McGuire.

As we all head home for the holidays, I’d like to remind everyone to make a conscious effort to surround yourself with positive, nourishing, and uplifting people–people who believe in you, encourage you to go after your dreams, and applaud your victories!

Be safe, my friends!  Until next time…

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Posted by on Dec 15 2021. Filed under Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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