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Table Talk · December 1, 2021

When my specials, who have been seriously campaigned retire, they miss their dog show life. Even if they come along for the trip, I can tell they really do miss going to dog shows. There were times I would be loading the truck and Mossi, my retired Shar-Pei special, would stand at the kitchen door pitching an absolute fit until I either brought him with me, or pulled away in my van.

The discussion from earlier this year regarding whether to allow mixed breed dogs to be used in Junior Showmanship or not, has resurfaced. The proposed implementation date is January 1, 2022.  As part of that conversation, Mary King had a brilliant suggestion! Why don’t we find a way to match retired show dogs with aspiring Junior Handlers? This would solve many issues!   One reason is the retired show dog would get to go in the ring again on a regular basis. Secondly, that retired show dog could teach the new junior handlers about a positive ring experience by helping them get their feet wet. Finally, junior handlers would be able to look back at how that dog was shown and practice the craft. I have a question for fanciers who have retired show dogs: Would you consider letting a junior show your retired show dog? Please reach out to me at or comment on Facebook. I’d love to hear your thoughts about this topic!!

In the October issue of the AKC Gazette a proposal was published that would give clubs the option of splitting the Bred-By Exhibitor class by age. The age classifications would mirror that of the puppy classes. So, classes would be 6-9, 9-12, 12-18, and adult. I don’t see any negatives to this proposal. Am I missing something? Is it too many classes for a sport that already has a lack of class dog entries?

Melinda Lyon has been hospitalized for the past several weeks and will be transferred to rehab very soon to rebuild her strength. I will keep everyone posted on Melinda’s progress as folks in the Louisville area will be encouraged to visit once she is settled. I am sure that everyone joins me in wishing her a speedy recovery. We look forward to having you back real soon, Melinda!

Healing thoughts to Mary Norton’s mother who was recently hospitalized. Feel better soon!

Many are getting ready for the annual migration to Orlando for the AKC National Championship sponsored by Royal Canin. While group seating Saturday and Sunday night will be very limited, fanciers are encouraged to watch live on AKC.TV. With an entry of over 5,000 dogs, the AKC NC will have a larger entry than anything we have seen in quite some time. I look forward to seeing everyone there, and to keeping those fanciers who cannot make the trip in the loop with Table Talk Live! Coverage from outside the rings.

Happy anniversary to Luke and Diane Ehricht. May you two love birds enjoy many wonderful years of love and happiness ahead!

Wendel Sammet is celebrating his 95th birthday this week! Also celebrating birthdays this week are Jamie Souza Bartlett, Bonnie Wegman, Colton O’Shea, Matt Hoagland, Lexie Rogers, Diane Ehricht, Desi Murphy, Scott Yergin, Johnny Shoemaker, Margaret Poindexter, Richard Green, and Alan Hargrave.

On this week after Thanksgiving, I offer the following sentiment:  Be thankful for it all. Be thankful for the highs, the lows, the blessings, the lessons, the setbacks, the growth. Be thankful for the life you live!!!

Be safe out there, my friends!  I’ll see you soon down the road.  Until next time…

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