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Table Talk · August 28, 2024


Time and time again we refer to the sport of purebred dogs as a family sport! So many of the talented handlers today were seemingly running left-handed circles in the womb! These talented folks have been attending dog shows since they were infants. I think everyone agrees that, for the most part, we enjoy a “family friendly” sport.

Every Kennel Club has the right to manage strollers, children, etc. at their shows in a way they think is best for everyone. Unfortunately, this issue can be complicated because not only are the kennel clubs trying to deal with the safety of the children belonging to handlers and exhibitors (our children), but they are also dealing with the safety of the general public. Obviously, a spectator family is not knowledgeable about the best way to keep their little ones safe in a dog show environment and many kennel clubs have instituted “no stroller rules” for this purpose. Sadly, if this rule is instituted across the board, an exhibitor who IS knowledgeable about how to keep their children safe in the dog show environment may be required to follow the same rule–or are they??

Recently a Professional Handler was told by a club member that they would not be allowed to have their child ringside in a bassinet (on wheels) because they had a ‘no stroller’ rule. This created a lot of stress and hard feelings.

There are a couple of kennel clubs that have come up with a way to deal with this situation that I’d like to offer for consideration to other kennel clubs contemplating this issue. The solution is a stroller pass!  While I am not suggesting that the general public be issued stroller passes, this may be a way to maintain the “family sport” benefit for our exhibitors and professional handlers. This may be something that could be addressed prior to the show by communicating with the show committee, or upon arrival at the show. Handlers and exhibitors would be required to sign a release form to alleviate liability issues for the club.

With hard copy premium lists no longer being mailed, we often do not consult the premium list for show-related information. To eliminate any unpleasant surprises, fanciers may want to consult the premium list for show limitations such as strollers, etc. and contact the show-giving club to plan ahead of time.

The Southern Handler’s Charity League is hard at work preparing for their first Junior Jamboree that will be held at the Austin Kennel Club shows September 20-22nd. They are looking for Professional and experienced Owner-Handlers to volunteer to talk with Junior Handlers about exhibiting specific breeds. If you are interested in lending a hand, please contact David Williams at Donations and volunteers are needed!!!!

A Big Thank You to everyone who donated to or bid on the Penn Ridge Kennel Club Handler Raffle!! The raffle raised over $2,200!

The Big Sky Cluster in Great Falls, Montana will have new show dates for 2025!! Big Sky will be moving to June 26-29, 2025, as opposed to their previous 4th of July weekend dates!

The sport of purebred dogs is mourning the loss of another icon. Jim Reynolds passed away on August 19th. He was 82 years old. I have such fond memories of Jim. The first time I showed to him I was a “newbie” I was a nervous wreck because I had heard so many wonderful things about him. He was a very tall man with a very deep voice, and I did not know how my dog would react to him. Much to my surprise, Mr. Reynolds could have been a Five-foot person with a very soft voice as his demeanor was so calming and friendly. Ultimately, I was blessed to get to know this very kind, compassionate man and always looked forward to seeing him. One of my favorite things about Jim was that he gave everyone the consideration they deserved. “They all pay the same entry fee, don’t they?” Jim Reynolds would say when someone commented about his kind demeanor toward exhibitors. We will miss you, big Jim. The sport will not be the same without you! Those wishing to make a donation in Jim’s memory can donate to the Ottawa Humane Society or the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada.

I am pleased to report that Mary Beth McAvoy, who was missing for a short time, was located safely! Friends and family were worried sick when Mary Beth disappeared in Georgia and her cell phone was turned off. Fortunately, the story has a happy ending and Mary Beth is safe!

Fanciers celebrating birthdays this week include:  Erin Myers, Tim Terella, Adam Bernardin, Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine, Tanner Congleton and Kathy Harrington. Cheers to a great year and many more, my friends!

My thought for the week is this:

I know I’m just a dog, but if you feel sad I’ll be your smile. If you cry, I’ll be your comfort, and if someone breaks your heart, we can use mine to live. I’ll always be by your side.

Be safe out there, my friends! Enjoy the last days of summer and be kind to all! Until next time…

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