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Table Talk · August 10, 2022


It was a delight to be back on my old stomping grounds at the Canfield Fairgrounds for the Steel Valley Cluster of dog shows! Phil and Paula Thomas and all the volunteers involved do a wonderful job making the four-day cluster a great exhibitor experience. Their hard work and hospitality are why so many fanciers return year after year despite what some may call questionable weather. Anyone that has been to Canfield knows you must pack your entire wardrobe, and you should not forget the rain gear as you will most likely need it!  When storms are about to roll in, the site control guys drive around to the setups warning exhibitors to put up awnings and canopies. What a nice touch!

A favorite tradition of the cluster is for the exhibitors to park their golf carts at the group ring while watching the groups. I was thrilled to see just as many golf carts at the NOHS group ring as the regular group ring!!!

Unfortunately, working judge Vern Harvey got ill while judging in the hot sun on Sunday and how was taken to the hospital. I checked in with club officials regarding his health status and was informed that he was receiving medical care and is expected to be okay. Get well soon, Vern! We look forward to seeing you at the shows again soon!

Another tradition at the cluster is a Junior Handling clinic hosted by the AKC Registered Handlers that includes free pizza. This year, even Tim Thomas, VP Judging Operations for AKC, was in the ring giving juniors instruction! They had a great turnout with 23 juniors participating this year!

It warmed my heart to hear a new exhibitor phoning home to tell her family how they did at their first dog show. The exhibitor said, “You are not going to believe what happened! We got first place!” She was so excited and so thrilled. It reminded me of my very first group placement. I was also ecstatic and phoned my husband with a comparable report. I remember that feeling like it occurred yesterday. We should all be supportive of our fellow competitors when we know it is their first time in the ring and something great like this happens.

Recently, an owner/handler asked if it was appropriate to inform a judge about NOHS eligibility while in the ring. There are several schools of thought on the topic that range from not approaching the judge while in the ring to softly telling the judge about one’s eligibility. One can also mention to the steward that they are NOHS eligible. The consensus is if you are eligible for Owner Handler competition judging after Best of Breed is awarded, do not leave the ring.  NOHS eligibility is stated by the AKC as follows:

The Owner-Handled Best of Breed will be selected from the eligible dogs that competed in the Best of Breed/Variety competition for the regular show. This includes Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, and the undefeated winners of the non-regular classes. This excludes all dogs defeated during class and winners competition for the regular show.

If you have questions about eligibility, you should go to the AKC Field Representative for clarification.

I saw this fantastic advice posted on social media regarding owner/handlers competing against professionals. I think it is applicable for competing at dog shows in general:

  • Get yourself a nice dog – a quality animal is always the first step in finding success in the show ring
  • Dress the part – professional attire is the first step
  • Train your dog – a well-trained show dog will help you be successful
  • Know your breed standard – being familiar with your breed standard will assist you in understanding how to present your breed
  • Know your dog’s strengths and weaknesses – knowing your dog will help you showcase the dog’s virtues and downplay the dog’s shortcomings
  • Observe – watch your favorite dog/handler teams
  • Be prepared – set yourself up for success by having everything you need at the dog show
  • Give yourself plenty of time – rushing creates anxiety and stress
  • Stick to the plan – don’t try new things in the show ring
  • Advocate for your dog – always be prepared to do what is best for your dog

Remember, you have the advantage with only one or two dogs to show instead of the large number of dogs most professional handlers typically show.

Many Westminster Kennel Club attendees were saddened when the Hotel Pennsylvania was demolished. Unfortunately, the Penn’s neighbor, the Stewart Hotel, is suffering the same fate. Its owners have announced plans to demolish the hotel and replace it with a new residential building. For many, the Stewart was the hotel of choice when attending Westminster.

Dennis McCoy had a heart attack and has had two stents inserted. I hear he is back home and doing well. He will be back in the ring soon without missing a beat (pun intended).

Healing thoughts to Mike Kurtzner who had a recent visit to the hospital for cardiac issues.  Take it easy, my friend. I am sure we will see you soon!

Diane and Michael Severns have sold their home in Plano, Illinois, and they are hitting the road in their RV. They will call their daughter’s residence in South Dakota home, and plan to attend dog shows in the southwest for the winter months. Have fun seeing the beautiful countryside, you two!

Congratulations to Katie and Adam Bernardin who are expecting a baby girl in February 2023!

Happy 40th Anniversary to Richard and Ruby Powell. May you two have many more years of happiness ahead.

Celebrating birthdays this week are:  Lynn Meyer, Chris Nethery, Amiko Allen, and Vincent Zuniaga. Here’s to many more special days for each of you!

Be safe out there my friends and enjoy the moment!  Remember, at the end of the day, you take the best dog home! I’ll see you soon down the road! Until next time…

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