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Table Talk · 3/22/23


My heart is full, my feet and legs are tired, and I have a big smile on my face after spending the last week/weekend in Louisville at the Kentuckiana Cluster of dog shows. A huge shout-out to David Johnson and all the volunteers for the hospitality and your hard work putting on yet another fantastic cluster! There is a reason that this is the second largest show in the country:  It is fantastic! The clubs were challenged with last-minute judge changes due to injuries to Charlotte Patterson and Sulie Greendale-Paveza, but they pulled it off! With close to 1,000 grooming reservations, when all was said and done, everyone had a grooming space, and move-in went quite smoothly!

Many thanks to Nina Fetter and all those that came to help tape the floor and put all the name cards on it. This is no small task!

Exhibitors were extremely thankful to judge Thomas Nesbitt who showed extra compassion when a dog was frightened and intimidated by all that was going on at the show. When he was informed by the exhibitor that the dog was having difficulty, Mr. Nesbitt told the rest of the class that he was going to give the dog an extra couple minutes, pulled up a chair and worked with the dog. While this cannot always be done, the additional effort put forth by him had those ringside and in the ring in tears at the act of compassion. What an amazing act of kindness! THANK YOU, Judge Thomas Nesbitt, for your additional effort and understanding!  This is the kind of behavior that will have exhibitors coming back to dog shows.

On the flipside, I am told a junior showmanship exhibitor at the York, Pennsylvania shows was rudely called out by the show chair of a supported entry, for showing in sweepstakes. I understand the show chair instructed the junior to return her ribbon because she was working for a handler. After the handler got help from the all-breed show committee and AKC staff, the situation was resolved, but it was very upsetting to the junior, and those around her. This is the type of thing that scares people away!

It seems that disallowing professional handlers or individuals that do not own the dogs being exhibited, from showing in sweepstakes at National Specialties and Specialties in general is becoming more and more popular. Please remember that there are individuals who are not physically able to show their dogs or would rather watch their dog than show themselves. In my humble opinion, there are classes provided for owner-handled or owner-bred dogs, and that should be sufficient. I do not understand the point of restricting an owner’s ability to have the handler of their choice show their dog in a sweepstakes or futurity/maturity class. What do you think? Give me a shout at  I’d love to hear your thoughts!!

While it may be hard to believe, until very recently, the Hoosier Kennel Club did not allow female members! Welcome to the 21st century, and congratulations for voting to allow female members!!!!

For those fanciers who are planning to attend the International Kennel Club of Chicago in August in Chicago, the room block for the Hyatt that is attached to the show venue is open! For the first time, dogs will be allowed in the hotel. Reserved grooming is also open, so get your reservations completed soon! You can find more information on the IKC’s website at

I have had several conversations recently with folks regarding NOHS rules and regulations.  Some feel that AKC-licensed judges and those who have received a Best In Show, or multiple group wins in regular competition should not be eligible to exhibit in the National Owner Handled Series. Some individuals feel that this competition should be reserved for those with less experience. As far as judges are concerned, there has also been a suggestion to disallow those judges that are approved to judge one or more groups (indicating that they have more extensive experience). I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, too!  Please reach out to me at

Happy Anniversary to Bruce and Bert Reddick! May the two of you have many more happy years together.

Celebrating birthdays this week are:  Jan Hepper, Kristyn Stout, Fan Yu, Mercedes Villa, Pilar Kuhn, Kay Belter, Kate Murray, Dale Sullens and Tad Brooks. Best wishes for another fantastic trip around the sun!

Thanks to all that participated in our Table Talk Live coverage in Louisville. I look forward to having more great fun with all of you at the 147th Westminster Kennel Club dog show in May!

I leave you this week with a bit of inspiration:  If you want it, work for it. It is only actions that bring results!

Have a great week, my friends; and wherever your travels take you, please be safe!  I’ll see you soon down the road. Until next time…

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