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Table Talk · 04/13/22

On April 6th AKC Event Operations published a clarification of the NOHS guidelines as follows:

Professional handlers, household members, and current assistants to professional handlers in conformation are not eligible to exhibit in this competition. A professional handler is defined as any person that belongs or has belonged to a professional handlers’ organization, distributed rate cards, or otherwise advertised or represented themselves as handling dogs for pay within the last five years.  A current assistant is defined as anyone employed by a professional handler on a full-time basis or assisting a professional handler at the show or any show during the cluster/weekend.  Unpaid assistants would not be eligible for NOHS during the cluster/weekend they are assisting the professional.

There are many fanciers that continue to be unhappy with the guidelines as currently stated.  The most common issues I hear center around the fact that many see this as a deterrent for novice owner-handlers to learn from the professionals and bring this knowledge to the NOHS ring. However, the guidelines as currently stated do not prohibit an individual from volunteering to assist a professional handler one weekend and show in the NOHS series the next. The guidelines simply disallow an individual from doing BOTH on the same weekend. The other common complaint is that licensed judges should not be able to show in NOHS despite them being qualified as described by the guidelines.

I would like to point out that one of the NOHS goals was to be more inclusive and encourage participation. If participants have issues with the current guidelines, I encourage you to write to Please refrain from making frustrating posts on social media. Why, you ask? There are potential new exhibitors that are trying to learn about our sport by looking at social media. When these people who know very little about the sport read these negative, angry posts, they might walk in the other direction. I encourage everyone to do their part to be welcoming and positive. You are indeed entitled to your opinion! Voice it privately via email to the AKC.

The NOHS series has become very popular. There are some fanciers who will drive several extra hours and several hundred extra miles to attend a show that offers the National Owner Handled Series. Most shows that offer the NOHS have entries of over 400 dogs for that division!  Those that compete in the NOHS take it very seriously. “Their” groups are just as important to them as the “regular” groups. To that end, I think everyone needs to do a better job of ensuring that judges are aware of what is expected of those judging NOHS groups and Best in Show. I have heard two arguments regarding this subject. Clubs say judges should look at the judging program to see what NOHS groups they have been assigned. More and more I hear about judges that leave the premises before they have judged their NOHS group stating that they did not know they had that assignment. In my humble opinion there is a simple solution to this problem:  If the club is offering NOHS, individuals asked to judge the show should make their intentions about judging NOHS groups known up front. Clubs should be clear in their contract with the judge what NOHS groups they are expected to judge. Hopefully, if both sides take responsibility, we can eliminate NOHS exhibitors standing around waiting for a judge to be located.

Congratulations to Lexie Ditlow and Martin Jackson who tied the knot in Puerto Rico this past week. They were joined by friends including Kelly and Edwin Shupp, Katie and Adam Bernardin, Anna Gracie, and Meagan Ulfers for a beautiful celebration.


Wendy Paquette had a slight setback in her open-heart surgery recovery, but she is on the mend. Take it easy, Wendy, and get well soon!

I hear Karen Kurtzner is having a tough recovery following spinal surgery. Her dedicated hubby, Mike, is at her side. Feel better soon, Karen. We miss you!!

Positive thoughts go out to Peggy Beisel-Mcilwaine and her husband, Sandy, as he undergoes some medical testing.

I am sorry to report the sudden passing of long-time fancier Lee Herr following a tragic motorcycle accident. Our thoughts are with his family at this difficult time.

I am saddened to report that Linda Souza lost her valiant battle with cancer Sunday. She was 73 years young. Her daughter, Jamie, and those that were close to Linda believe that she has been happily reunited with her heart dog, the Irish Wolfhound ‘Frost’. The family requests that donations be made to the Irish Wolfhound Foundation.

It was 22 years ago that the movie Best In Show made its debut, and we all hit the theaters to see what the fuss was about. Well, my friends, we will have the opportunity to revisit the comedic characterization of our sport again as another Best In Show movie will be coming to theaters!

Congratulations to Marti Johnson and her daughter Megan Sanborn. Their book, All Aboard!  Adventures of the Depot Dogs has been published and is available on Amazon.

Many thought that they would never tear down the Hotel Pennsylvania. The threat had been made several times over the past several years, but never happened. Well, my friends, it’s coming down!! The structure is being dismantled brick by brick because the train runs underneath it, and there are also some asbestos concerns. Many of us have great memories from the Penn. Be ready, my friends – we will be asking about your fondest Hotel Pennsylvania memories during our Table Talk Live! coverage at Westminster this year!!

Fanciers celebrating birthdays this week include:  Dottie James, Beth Sweigert, Melinda Lyon, Jodi Geerlings, Kayla Bruner, Ken Wall, Pam Peat, Aaron Wilkerson, Howie Huber III, Lynda Beam, Betty Jo Pyle, Elaine Norton, John Ramirez, Benjie Marcus, Barbara Gossett and Brian Livingston.

This week I leave you with a bit of motivation:  If you are not willing to work for it, don’t complain about not having it!!

Happy Easter to all! Be safe in your travels and be sure to stop by the Purina booth this week in Perry, Georgia to pick up a copy of the April Canine Chronicle! Hope to see you in Perry! Until next time…


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