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News from the Afghan Hound National Specialty Days 1 & 2

By Fran Reisman

The show must go on…

I keep thinking how so few people here at this Specialty seem to have any idea as to what has happened and continues to happen on the East Coast. Here it’s all about the show…

I am very happy to report that the Afghan breed is still viable. Though the entry is low, the quality is high. Both in dogs and in bitches the winners class had dogs that would make any breeder proud.

Winners Dog, under judge Betsy Hufnagel (California), was from the 12-18 month class. This handsome brindle dog is Regimes Thriller of Elmo. Helen Stein judged the bitch classes and awarded winners to Jama Winsong Heavenly Delight, a stunning cream bitch with beautiful Afghan detailing. I’m not sure how it is in other breeds, but this bitch has so many owners that I wouldn’t think of boring you with all the names. Crazy!

I don’t think I can possibly describe the show that was put on after the evening’s dinner and auction. Have you ever been to a real Drag Queen Show? Well, I don’t think that most of the audience had ever been to one, but Tuesday night they learned what real drag is all about! Four delightful professional drag artists performed for an hour-and-a-half. It was so much fun and really enjoyed by the entire crowd. I don’t know if any of the photos can be printed here so you might have to use your imagination.

It’s time for Best of Breed… I’ll check in with you tomorrow.

Fran Reisman

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Posted by on Oct 31 2012. Filed under Featured, The Buzz. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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