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Buyer Beware! Is Your Money Really Going to Charity?

It’s unfortunate that a crisis sometimes brings out the worst in people. Sadly, the coronavirus pandemic is no different. While so many people are doing good deeds and trying to help their fellow man, there are others who are doing the exact opposite. There are reports of people stealing masks and protective gear from hospitals, while others are stealing sanitizer and selling it out of the back of their truck. Then there are the phony claims about charity work. There are people claiming to collect funds with the intent to distribute them to undisclosed “friends in need from our community”. Others are selling merchandise and other things while claiming that a percentage of the price (not the profit) will be given to people in an undefined community who might be in need.

This is from the website: So how do you know where your money goes, and who gets how much? It may take a little bit of research, but you should be able to find this information. Here’s what to look for:

  • Where your money goes. They should tell you who gets your donation and how your money gets to the charity or beneficiary you are expecting it to go to. You should get to choose.

  • Fees. They should tell you if they are keeping part of your donation as a fee before sending the rest to your chosen charity or person. Consider whether the charity or person would get more of your donation if you donated to the charity directly. 


  • Timing. They should say how long it will take for the person or charity to get your donation.

  • Follow-through. Just in case your donation can’t be sent to the charity or person you chose, they should say what happens in that case.

There are so many ways you can help your fellow man or dog during this current crisis. Be sure to do your homework. If you are in doubt, it might be best to donate directly to the individual or charity of your choice rather than buying something from or giving money to someone else and hoping they follow through on their promise.

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