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Westminster Press Preview Doesn’t Disappoint

By Amy Fernandez

Photos by Deana Niosi & C Barritt-Getty Images

©Deana Niosi

The countdown is on, and Westminster 147 is just days away. It’s guaranteed to be full of shocks and surprises–when isn’t it? Crisis management is kind of inseparable from the mindset of this sport. But we do appreciate a heads-up about the big stuff.

Westminster’s annual press preview covered a lot of those details yesterday. You can always depend on them for a fabulous photo op. This year’s press preview was staged before the splendid backdrop of Rockefeller Center’s reflecting pool, with the spires of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in the background.

But there was more to it than pictures. As per tradition, the club introduced the single new breed competing this year. The newest addition to the Sporting Group, the Bracco Italiano, will be represented by ten entries.  Westminster also capitalized on the opportunity to showcase three long recognized breeds, the Lowchen and the Tibetan Spaniel from Non-Sporting and the Newfoundland, that stalwart of Working breeds.

This year’s overall entry, exceeding 3000, is topped by 51 Goldens, 43 Labs, 41 Ridgebacks, 38 Frenchies and 35 Whippets. Unfortunately, two of AKC’s recognized breeds, the Lundehund and the Entlebucher Mountain Dog,  won’t have any competitive representation this year. But there are 86 international entries. Predictably, Canada is the most heavily represented country for international contenders. But we’ve also got five entries flying in from Japan and four from South Korea. Both California and Florida beat New York in terms of domestic contributions to the show, with 222 dogs arriving from the other end of the country and 186 making the long trek from sunny Florida.

Photo credit: C. Barrit Getty Images

Spectators have been a conspicuously missing element of the show when it was held in Tarrytown for the last couple of years. And the thing is that Westminster really isn’t the same without those mobs of adoring fans. To welcome them back, the club is utilizing the resources of its new location at Flushing Meadow Park, hosting their first Canine Celebration Day on May 6. This is definitely going to be a crowd pleaser, with brand new features like 150 dogs competing in Dock Diving as well as the predictable spectator favorites like the 10th Masters Agility Championship. Trumpet, last year’s winner, will be making a celebrity appearance along with a NYPD K-9 demo scheduled for 12:00 noon on Saturday.  Personally, I think this is a brilliant idea. Flushing Meadow Park is typically packed with families on weekends. Most of them have never considered attending a dog show. Once they see what it’s all about, they will be enthralled.

The actual show kicks off Monday, May 8 at the USTA Billie Jean King stadium. Unlike Lyndhust Estate, the park is directly off of the Grand Central Parkway and just minutes from LGA. Normally, there’s tons of parking-all of it on paved parking areas. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster. But if you can’t be there, not to worry. As always, you will be able to find full televised coverage from May, 7, 8 and 9 on FS1 and FS2. For more details visit

You are gonna love Queens! See you next week.

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Posted by on May 1 2023. Filed under Current Articles, Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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