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Think Outside Your Breed

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98 – November, 2021

By Jane Myers


How many exhibitors leave the dog show after losing the breed? How many exhibitors win the breed and do not place in the group? How many exhibitors will proclaim, “That judge doesn’t like hairy dogs, that judge only puts up his friends, or that judge doesn’t know my breed?” Well, here is the $10,000 question–how many exhibitors or handlers, for that matter, have read every breed standard in their respective Group? Is it fair for the exhibitor of the Standard Poodle to pass judgement on the Bulldog? Or vice versa? They are two breeds with a completely different make and shape, as they should be.

Being a breeder/exhibitor should not end at the breed level. All dogs have some redeeming qualities, and if you want to compete, it is up to you to identify these qualities with an open mind. We can all read the breed standard and apply it to our dog, but do we apply it with an unbiased opinion? Or do we give here, take there, accentuate the good and ignore the not-so-good, thereby creating, in our mind, an unbeatable exhibit.

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